Sue Yarmey / The Many's 2006 Preditions

...There are physicality issues with all of you. There are also material issues with all of you. We will say, again, think of it as choosing something new this time. Before choosing, you need to first enjoy being without underwear. So enjoy being naked. Enjoy not having something before you add to what you already have. That will be our philosophy for now.

It is not about the NOT having. It is about the having. Enjoy what it is you have in the moment. Enjoy the fact that you have intelligence and freedom, and capabilities and abilities. Because when you think about what you DO NOT HAVE, the energy goes into what you do not have. When you think about what YOU DO HAVE, then the energy goes into what you do have and creates more. So if you only have one dollar, and you think about how wonderful that one dollar is and all the many things you can do with that one dollar, you will attract more dollars. If you think about the fact that you have one dollar and that is NOT ENOUGH to accomplish the things that you wish to accomplish, then all you will be doing is pushing away the other dollars....Read the full transcript HERE.

...What we wish you to believe, that it is indeed exciting, that it is indeed important. You are at a pivotal time on your planet in a way you have never been nor in many cases did anyone expect you to get here. We rejoice where we are that so many of you have come together, so many of you have created what can be called critical mass and you will now, from this point on, create even more. There is a greater acceptability in personal power. There is a greater understanding that it is up to the individual. The reason you have all been feeling so frustrated with what you call lack of accountability is because this energy makes everyone accountable for ‘who' they are. That is all you need concern yourself with. Those people who are not accountable, will soon see where that particular way of thinking will get them.
Read the full transcript HERE.

You have requested the information in regards to what you call predictions for your planet. We will give you some information that we believe will assist you, but we must also warn you that with the changes happening as rapidly as they are happening, there is always the possibility that the information we offer may not be, we shall say, in concrete. The reason for this is for every action, as you say upon your planet, there is an equal and opposite reaction. So as the planet creates action, you collectively as peoples upon the planet, are allowed to react. If you think about those words, it will lead us — funny segue — into the avian issue that is going on on your planet right now...
Read the full transcript HERE.

1ST QUARTER 2006: This is the year for the individual. You will also find many acts this year of humanitarianism. Believe it or not, this is not a contradiction. The ability to "know thyself" is the base of humanitarian acts. You cannot give what you do not have. Are you ready for all these changes? The Many have offered information this past year that will continue:

1. Know that there is no one more powerful than you.
2. Nothing can stay hidden (there is more to be uncovered).
3. Anything that has been taken without permission will be reclaimed (this relates to what is happening with the many Earth changes as well as what is happening in the way people are being treated).... Read the full transcript HERE.

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