2009 Predictions 2nd Quarter


The changes in your second quarter will be great. We mentioned in the first quarter about the split of one reality to another, and it is in the second quarter that you begin to see this division more specifically than you could in the first. Part of this is due to the fact that you have various groups determining what is right or wrong, and you can see this already happening within your world of entertainment that you see on your televisions where you have one person wishing for failure and the other person wishing for success. They are vocal and avid, and yet a very good example of the split we were speaking of in your first quarter. So recognize that from our perspective, from the way we look upon your planet in an energetic way, we have started to see schisms, markings, energetic … we will call them ‘farts’, since you think that is a funny word, in the energy around you planet, and each time we see one of these, we recognize that it is that split happening. It is neither good nor bad. It is neither right nor wrong. It simply is the way the energy right now is traveling in any particular direction.


We will say to you as you all approach this quarter, it is most important to be staying in a positive place because it is very easy to get drawn into the side that says ‘we want failure’. It is very easy to get drawn into the side that says ‘nothing will work’. It is very easy to get drawn into the side that says ‘all is dark’.


This split will be happening in many things. You will see in your places of employment, you will see the difficulty in deciding ‘do we continue or do we close’, ‘do we treat the people like this or do we treat the people like that’. You will see these extremes because the need now is to find the middle energy in order to make all things work in a smooth manner, but it will take you almost the full quarter to find that middle. This will mean chaos for some. It does not mean it has to be bad. It is similar to when you are making something and use a mixer to stir things up. Sometimes it is best stirred up. Other times it is more important to have it separated, one thing from the other. So keep in mind, as you start to approach this new quarter, that there will be extreme things happening, and it will be on every layer possible.


The preparation you have for these extremes is your own knowledge that it is illusion. It is never an easy thing to explain illusion to a planet where illusion is all. And yet at the same time it will be important for all of you to understand what illusion will be, because so much of what you will be seeing in this quarter will have absolutely no meaning except the meaning that you put behind it.

Q: Is that allusion with an “a” or “illusion” with an ‘I’?


It is with the “I”, the magician’s trick, and we are saying to you, as you approach this quarter, and once you are in it, it will be most important for you always to be checking your senses. So if it sounds wrong and feels right, if it feels wrong but sounds right, your senses are going to be questioned on a regular basis if you are smart enough to recognize that this is how you keep from making the error that so many make that this one thing is the one and only thing. So it will be important for all of you to be checking your senses in this next quarter, to ask yourself ‘how does this make me feel’, to ask yourself ‘do I really believe that as truth’, to ask yourself things that say ‘let me consider the source’, for there will be a great deal of Chicken Little and sky falling in this quarter.


We will also caution you in this next quarter that as the energy builds on one side, it is, by its very nature of polarity, building at the same extent on the other. This is equal energy pulling against, toward, and away from each other on a regular basis


There will be physical reactions to this energy exchange and change and resistance. So when there is something happening in your physicality in the next quarter, just as we are asking you to check your senses in what is happening around you, we are going to ask you to check your physicality as well with your senses for the same reason. Ask yourself if indeed whatever is happening to you on that physical level is truly something that belongs to you. If it is something that belongs to you, bring it in and put it into alignment as soon as possible. If it is not something that belongs to you, we will ask you to return it back to wherever it came.


You will be seeing a lot of second opinions, a lot of ‘let me check on that and get back to you’ from those who are smart enough to know that the quick decisions will not be the right decisions this time out. You cannot allow yourselves to be sheep, but rather all of you must be shepherds knowing that in another dimension the sheep wait for you, and not thinking without sheep in this dimension, you cannot be a shepherd.


We will say to each of you that this will be a time of soul-searching. This energy coming in will be making everyone question what it is that they are doing, why they are doing it, are they doing it well enough by whatever standards you choose to use, but it will be there. You will be questioning the parties to whom you belong in either religion or politics. You will be questioning the parties to whom you belong in families as well. There will be much happening in regard to identity and where you claim to receive yours from. With this understanding know that the pressure that will be put upon you in this quarter will be felt on a physical level as well as an emotional level. In a way it is to say, in each and every case, to check your sources, and those sources that we are asking you to check are the sources of the emotions and not necessarily the sources of the intellect. If you continue to only be working with the sources of the intellect, what will happen is there will be great confusion, and you will become again more linear and logical.


It does not make it wrong. It just makes it more difficult to work with this new energy. You can even make fun of yourself if you get caught up in this, but it will be important to be using emotion to get you out of it in either direction --- in the direction of being upset and angry and crying or the direction of laughing and finding the whole thing foolish. It is the emotion that will help break the blockages that are coming in with this new energy. It is the emotion that will get rid of that grimy build-up, as they say. It is the emotion that will travel into these places that you have kept almost like a shrine to your upbringing, to your understanding of right and wrong, to your own belief system. It is the emotion that will be getting in.


We have already spoken to you about using music to go into the physicality, to work on the molecular level to make changes. Now it will be important to work with music as well when you are in your emotional state, but make sure you make a statement or some type of declaration before working with these things so that you recognize you are breaking up the old, and it need not in any way interfere with the new that is coming in. It does not mean it will change you. It does not mean you will suddenly become a black person if you were white. It does not mean you will suddenly be a nice person if you have not been nice. It simply means that you will be shedding yourself of energy that no longer serves the true core self.


As these layers of energy are able to be shed, your essence, your true power, your core will enlarge itself to be able to more readily recognize itself in others. With this recognition, there is a possibility and a probability that different groups will be formed, and these groups will no longer be the tiny library group from this city, but rather the large world wide group of this understanding.


Again, we do not speak of police or governments, but rather of acknowledgement of similarities in self because you are all connected, acknowledgement of this connection of person to person and person to place and place to thing and thing back to person, an acknowledgement of power that resides within self, but yet, at the same time is still connected to Source, whatever you consider that Source to be. All of these things will be coming in asking you to be acting in a new and different way for self in this new quarter, and it will create the separation we spoke of.


We will say to you with this separation process, what is happening is a … You have a movie that was called “The Exorcist”, and perhaps without the pea soup, you will be getting rid of things that you do not need any longer.


Now that we have spoken of the general atmosphere of your second quarter, we would be more than happy to explain to you category by category






Your water will be rising. There will be some areas where drought will be taking over, but your water, in general, will be rising. There will be greater conflict and anger and argument between those who say ‘global warming’ and those who say not true. Part of it will be the fight for the almighty dollar, but more of it will be the fight for ‘let me see what I can control, let me see what you can control, then let’s see who can control more.’ The game played will be changing this quarter.


Additionally with the Earth changes you are going to see a sense of awareness that you have not seen before. This awareness, if you will pay attention to it, will be directly connected to what is happening in your particular area at your particular time. As an example, you can say here, in the town of Biddeford, there will be much attention spent on what you call MERC. You will see in certain areas dump sites that will be assessed in new and different ways.


Acknowledgement of change, acknowledgement of pollution, acknowledgement of how to avoid pollution will be everywhere in this particular quarter. Part of this will be because there is money to be had to clean up. There is money to be had to be more efficient in a green technology. There is money to be had. We can say that and that alone and recognize that that is fuel for many of the fires. However over all, with the general populace of the planet, and not just of this country, there will be a new and different recognition because things will not be as they have been before.


The sun will feel different upon your skins. The air will feel different upon your bodies. The reason for this is the energy coming in is actually changing your molecular structure. The question will not be what is happening to me, but rather why is ‘that’ creating ‘this’ for me. You will discover that one would not be happening without the other. So recognize as the air around you changes, it will be affecting your body differently. Some of you will not have any problems at all, but those who have great difficulty receiving the … we will say the beauty of what is around them will find that their allergies, their asthma, their breathing difficulties will be increased. Those who already recognize what the planet has to offer and do not fight with the planet about what she is offering will not have the same difficulties.


Where the volcanoes are connected, you will see them becoming more active. They have been active. They will continue. In their continuance, they will be opening up new areas within the planet that will then be affecting the earthquakes themselves. If your science ever gets around to following this, they will better understand that the earthquake happening in point B was probably created by the volcano happening in point D. They will better understand that there is a central point from which this energy is drawn within the inside of the planet, and when it is drawn from that inside, it has to go somewhere and draw from somewhere.


All of your elements will be increased. Your seasons will be lengthened on one end and shortened on the other. It means that either the season will come early and end early or the season will come late and end late, but it will not be what you have been calling ‘normal’ through the years. You will see in the middle of your seasons some anomaly that makes you question the season you are in. You will find yourself, with plants that are growing, wondering what in the world that plant is, for there will be a great deal of change in the way things are going to be coming out of the Earth. We mean that the fruit and vegetable that is being grown will look different, will have a different consistency, will perhaps come out in a way that has never happened before without science truly understanding what is happening, and it can be related to the wind and the air and the water that suddenly have been changing as it comes into the atmosphere of your planet.


Some of this will be exceptionally technologically oriented. Some of it will be very simply oriented. If you wish to know what is truly happening watch how the children respond. If it is a beautiful day, and they do not wish to go outside, you might want to pay attention for they know something you do not know. We will ask you to stay open to the messages the sun sends you, and the only way you can receive it is by being in the sun. If you refuse to be in the sun, the messages will go on deaf ears, and changes that can happen that can benefit your planet will not be happening.


So you will see that the Earth changes for this particular quarter are everywhere. They are happening on every continent. They are happening with every element. They are changing what you have seen in the past to something entirely different. Since the overall theme for this particular quarter is the split of one extreme or the other extreme, it is why you will be seeing the things as you will information?


Q: I had a dream last night about Earth changes, and in the dream what was happening was that there was a huge frost covering parts of the Earth, but instead of coming from outside the Earth --- usually it comes because the weather gets very cold outside, it came from within the Earth. Is that the kind of thing we might be seeing?


Yes. We speak of things happening in different ways. That is correct. You will discover that that might not be technically correct, but that is the kind of thing you will be seeing. Part of this is related to the fact of what has happened to your bees and your bats, your birds, those things in the air that now have great difficulty, that are trying to keep things upon the planet in balance, and they cannot. So you will see shifts because of this.

Q: Are you saying that we’re acting as a conduit between the information the sun has and the information the Earth needs, when you’re talking about the messages the sun has for us?


The messages the sun has for you are not necessarily for all. The messages are very individualized. Each person must learn to read their message for themselves. Can you also work as a conduit for the masses? Yes, you can. The difficulty will be most of the masses will not be listening. Does that make sense?


Q: Maybe I misinterpreted what you said. I was asking about the Earth, and I thought you said something about how the information is coming in to help the Earth.


All information comes in to help the Earth. If you help yourselves and receive the information that is being given to you, how can you not then help the Earth? It is all of the same piece.





The best advice we can give you in regard to your government and your politics is to tell you that neither is true, neither works, and neither will have any effect unless you allow it to. The best you can hope is that the leaders are recognizing the need to actually lead instead of drag, the need to actually educate instead of keep under thumb and control, the need to recognize the power of the individual and how more can get done by working with the masses than can get done by working with the minority or the small amount who are looking for power. Just as there will be a split in your planet in how things are perceived, you will see many, many splits in your government, the ones from your country and the ones from around the world. The splits that you will be seeing will have to do with, again, those who are looking to control and those who are looking to release control. You will be able in some places to have freedoms that have never been there before and at the same time have those freedoms drawn back. So in places that have always been free in most areas, they will find more restrictions. In places where there have been restriction, there will find more freedom.


In your country, as an example, you will find that there will be a mix of information coming from area to area, so you will find some parts of the country in agreement, and other parts of the country against this agreement. It is part of that split we were speaking of, and the split will be happening in your physical world, but also in your political and government world. As the splits continue through this quarter, remember that your goal is to look at the source of where this information is coming. Once you look at its source, you can then determine from your feeling center whether it is correct or not for who you are in this given moment. Do not feel the need to be led. Do not feel the need to lead, simply allow yourself the understanding that it does not matter what is done outside of self. What matters is what you do within self. This will be a rallying cry for some, and it is interesting to think that you can lead with that cry, and as it happens, you will better understand what we say.


But for now, we will say there will be some hot spots upon your planet to look into. Of course, there is always your Middle East which can never seem to agree that life is more important than land. There will be things happening in Africa as the genocide continues, and again, land is more important than life. When it is understood by the masses, those around the globe, that these kinds of things are no longer acceptable to the individuals, then the power will come out in a different way, and with the power coming out in a different way, things will be changing.


Do not be surprised that those who repress will suddenly become repressed, if not in a governmental type way, then definitely in a physical type way within their own bodies. For what has been going on now must come back to the individual, for that is the new energy that is coming to the planet, and as it comes back to the individual, it will come back swiftly, and in its coming back, you will have no choice over how it is going to be utilized for that has already been taken care of by the person who sent out the energy to begin with. So expect a great deal of blaming in your government in this quarter, one country to another, one person to another, one issue to another.


If you can remember the cry is “People, not land”, or “Life, not land” --- we think that sounds better, and the other cry needs to be “People, not politics’.” If these true statements are followed, then you will fall into the split that will be bringing about change, that will be working in a more happy atmosphere. If you cannot follow these things, you will be involved in the split that is having difficulty on many, many levels.


Once you see the hot spots, in Africa as well as in your Middle East, you will find that within your own country, Canada and Mexico as the bread around your sandwich, will also be bringing out some issues that this country, your United States, will have to be facing in a new and different way. It has nothing to do with immigration, but everything to do with cooperation. So there is another word for you to be recognizing when politics rears its head is if it is not done from a cooperative standpoint, it is probably the wrong thing to be doing. So remember these words, and you will have a productive quarter. Forget these words, and you will again be stuck with those people who are having great difficulty getting out of their own way.




We are going to approach this in a new way. We are going to suggest to you that you … we will say open to receive information on a regular basis in regard to your personal finance and economy, your personal needs, your personal understanding. Rather than looking at the big picture as we usually do with you, we are going to suggest that you just stay within your world. The more you expand the big picture, the more you go from inside of yourself to outside of self, the more difficult it will be to both comprehend and work with this energy. The reason for this is that there is a great deal of outside influence that is quite determined to eradicate and get rid of anything that it senses to be out of the control that it wishes to have over certain personalities.


Wealth and poverty have always been interesting bedfellows for you could not keep people down if you did not have in your world the money to keep them there. So there are those who feel it is important for them to be kept down and look up to those who have the money without the recognition of why they have the money and why you are choosing in the lower echelons to give that money away to them. It is not anything to do at all with money, and everything to do with power.


So if you concentrate your energy on your finance and economy in just self, you will be better off. We will say that new businesses can be very productive and pay off. We will say that new ventures can be very productive and pay off. We will say that an attitude that says you can start nothing anew will also pay off, of course, in the opposite direction. Should you on any level choose to start something new, if you go into it with the understanding of why it is beneficial, not on the material level but rather on the emotional level of those around you to have something like this in your life, then you will be benefiting not just self, but those around you as well as your economy and your financials.


If you are able to look at what is happening from a joyful standpoint, and the only way for each of you to do this is to regress yourself back to an age of delight, an age where it was not questioned if you wanted an ice cream, it was expected that you wanted an ice cream. You may not have always received it, but you certainly felt you always deserved it. And to go back to this time period of your youth when you recognized that fear did not exist in the same way it does in your adulthood. Fear did not take the guise of finances or economy. Fear took the guise of having or not having, and even without having, there was something else that would immediately take that place. So the fear was negligible in your youth, and yet stays rooted within you now in your adulthood.


So we will say that your finances and economy will be something different than you are used to seeing. We will say that, while it looks like things are being taken care of, there will be other control issues happening at the same time. Do not be fooled into believing that all things must be controlled in a certain way, for that is just another way to gain control over those who are learning for the first time how to have it. Do not be fooled into believing that, because we are reporting this is what is happening that it is the ‘this’ everywhere that is happening in the same way for that will not be true either. There will be pockets that will be happening across your country that will have nothing --- nothing to do with the rightness or wrongness of what is happening on a more universal level, but rather have everything to do with the rightness or wrongness of what is happening in that one particular area. It is why we encourage that everything be done through the individual in this quarter and not through the group design on any level, be it government, society, or family. Does this all make sense?




Be prepared for change, great change, exciting change, change that will be rapid in its own development, change that will be bringing about cures to things that you never believed you would have a cure for. In this next quarter what you will see in science and medicine is a new synergy of … we will call it natural ways of healing versus pharmaceutical ways of healing. Not that pharmaceutical companies will have to go out of business, that could not happen yet, but what will be happening is a more synergistic look at the way the body functions and what to do to make the body function better. Unfortunately everything you do now is about repressing, keeping this from doing that, keeping this from having that happen instead of encouraging. We, ages ago, gave you the information about fixing and healing.


Your medicine has always been around fixing and never about healing, and for the first time perhaps in the history of your medicine, you will be discovering that they are actually thinking healing and no longer thinking fixing. With that information will come a great deal of controversy, for there are many people who like to suffer, there are many people who enjoy the identity of suffering, there are many people who believe that certain people should be suffering, and it is not their place to take that suffering away. You will always have this when you have humanity shoved together on your planet. What we will say to you is it does not have to be the truth of your generation, but rather the truth of your generation can be about healing. The truth of your generation can be about what you can do in order to heal. Even though it may not come out the way you expect it to come out, it will come out in a better way than the way you went in. With that understanding, you will no longer need to kill to cure. With that understanding, you will no longer need to harm to help. And that is something that has to be learned within your lifetime.


You will see the beginnings of much of this in your next quarter, in the second quarter of your 2009, and as a beginning, what you will also see are some new branches of science that will be coming about in order to create these synergistic ways of working. These new branches will consist of, first of all, experts in two different fields. They eventually come up with a new name, but for now it will be the understanding of the cooperation between these two different worlds in order to reach the understanding of healing. It will be a most exciting time. You will have to pay close attention if you want to truly know about it for most of this will not make your average everyday press. Most of this will not be found in your newspapers. Most of this will not be heard on your television or radio. You will hear about the big decisions that will create this, but you will not hear about what is actually being created.


Q: Where can we hear about it?


You can look at your alternative sources on your internet, and you can allow yourself to become in tune with wanting the information and see how it comes to you, for when it comes to you, you will be able to verify what we speak of, and you will need your verification as you put your energy behind ‘isn't that wonderful, let me give energy to this so even more can happen’.




We are bringing out our softer side. We are asking you to look at your softer side. We are asking you to redefine love on your planet. We are asking you to look at love in a new way. We are asking that when we speak of religion and spirituality, it is no longer just a word that you put to tag onto something that is happening. We are coming to each and every individual in a subliminal way, asking them to go within to find their belief system through their religion or through their spirituality, whatever works best for them, but doing it all without judgment, without need to say ‘I am right and you are wrong.’


This is a new and different way of approaching this subject because everyone on your planet tends to want to be correct. So from country to country, from people to people, there are some that believe this is the best way and only way, and others that believe that way will never work. So for a change, we are asking that people come about … They come about looking at what they are searching for from a religious or spirituality point of view from the inside again out, instead of the outside in. Having a belonging to a certain religion does not give you any special privileges anywhere, including after you die. Having a belonging to a certain religion or spirituality does not give you any special power, for you are already imbued with this power.


You come in with everything you could possibly need in your powerful self to create. So it is a matter of looking at this category, we will call it, of Religion and Spirituality, and seeing it for what it truly is which is an avoidance of your own self-love, which is an avoidance of how you can keep yourself from doing the work it takes to love what it is you do, to love those things around you, and to love especially what is happening within your core self when it is happening.


So from our softer side, we turn to you and we say it is time to give to yourself, every way you possibly can, an understanding that says of course I can, of course I am, there is nothing that can stop me, there is nothing that can change me unless I allow it to be so. And in each case, with spirituality and religion, these organized places will be finding, unless they open themselves more to this concept, they will have less in their gatherings. If they open themselves more to the concept of versatility, to flexibility, then they will find that more and more people will be coming in to join them. If instead, they remain closed, they will find more and more people will be shunning them and finding reasons not to believe or go anywhere near that system.


It will be interesting, children, to pay attention to how you feel within yourself when you are checking in with your feelings as things are happening around you. A large part of this will be some of the charismatic leaders that you will be seeing coming out in this quarter. Although you would not consider someone like a Rush Limbaugh a charismatic leader, that is exactly what is happening right now. He is trying to convince people that his way is the right and only way. Whenever something like this happens, there is always a counterbalance to come against it, for that is how all things stay in balance is through polarity. Recognize when we say to you to ask within your heart about considering the source and what does this truly mean to me, when you are in that place of heart, it does not matter what the Rush Limbaugh’s say. When you are in that place of heart it does not even matter what your President says. The only thing that matters is how you go about being honest with the self that is within that has so much to give without.




We will look at vibrational shifts first. We want you all to notice that you have become more sensitized to the vibrations that are around you. The car or truck that stands idle you can feel it now in a different way. The train that goes by at a distance, you can somehow feel within the soles of your feet. You can be standing and feel the vibration of your dishwasher or your regular washing machine. Vibration is becoming something that you are becoming more aware of because your personal vibration happens to be changing. And each time it changes, the vibrations around you also change to reflect what is happening within yourself. So the vibrational changes that will be coming to you are going to be reflected in your physical health. If you find yourself feeling ill for any reason on any level, you need to check and stop and ask about the vibrational changes around you. Is there something that has been continually vibrating around you that is making you uncomfortable and creating this physical ailment? Is there something that has been vibrating around you that is making you feel comfortable and fully healthy? The goal, of course, is to know there is a difference between these two things and working with the one that will work best for you. The vibrational feelings that will be coming from outside of self will be related to what the inside of self has already sent out in order to keep balance at a certain perspective.


Understand that one of the vibrational shifts that will be happening will be this move from where the planet has been into the new place the planet is going. It will not completely get there in this quarter; however it will be moving things. As it moves, you cannot help but create, upon and under the surface, changes. The vibration is changing.


The vibration that is changing that we speak of will be coming to you in various ways. You will see it in the taste of food. You will feel it in the very air around you, and you will be conscious of it within the water that you are drinking. Honor the feelings that you are getting. If the water tastes wrong to you, whatever that should mean, allow yourself a shift. If your food tastes off to you, change over to something else. If you find you love vegetables, and no longer like meat or love meat and no longer like vegetables, allow the shift to take place for it will be a vibration against vibration --- bad choice of words, we will say vibration with vibration, getting along in a synergistic way, making sure that all things are flowing in the manner in which you say you wish them to flow. You are learning some of this, but some of it is yet to be learned.


And since you are now responding to the vibration we spoke of, we can bring up the ET’s for the one thing that has been said in the beginning is they felt a humming, and yet no one ever heard it, simply felt it.


Q: Who felt a humming?


When you on this planet experience an ET, you will talk about the feeling of the vibration within yourself. You feel the humming. You feel something around you even when you do not always see something around you. You get a sense that there is something there, when perhaps there is nothing. So your ET activity will be added to this vibrational shift, and you will find yourself with again more reports than you had seen in a long time. The nature of these reports will be very different from the way they have been in the past. It will not be so much a cigar-shaped machine of the size of three football fields, but rather as sense of something being there in this particular shape, a sense of energy coming to the planet itself looking for compatible energy to meet and merge and work with, a sense of vibration changing from one to another in order create something perhaps that is of mutual benefit.


Do not think that some of the reports are fake, for, just like in your movie Men in Black when they would take what you think of as silly articles and say ‘these print the truth’, you will find the truth may be difficult to accept, and yet at the same time, it will be in that moment the complete truth



It will be dependent upon where the split happens. The split between those who are being positive and those who are being power hungry, the split that says this is what is capable and this is what is not capable. We will say that there have already been signs and shifts that it has been discovered, that your, we believe it was called Google Earth has found some things under water, that they have been looking at, that you will find more discoveries like this through archaeological finds in various parts of the country, and pieces will start to be coming together. The definitive place will not as yet be pinpointed, and yet towards the end of this quarter, there is a good possibility that someone will say, ‘eureka, here it is.’ They will be incorrect, but still, what fun it will be to imagine. So keep yourself open, and when they say their ‘eureka, that they have found’, you can sit there and trust your feelings to say is this correct or is this not correct, and then perhaps we will quiz you when we see you again.