Last Quarter Predictions
The Many Channeled through Sue Yarmey
September 2, 2008

We are here. We understand that this is in regard to your last quarter predictions for your planet.

Old Patterns Emerging

We will tell you if you have investigated the concept of reverse wave – one wave going in one direction and one wave going in the other – if you look at the concept of what is called the push me/pull me, if you look at the symbolism of the fish, joined at the tail, swimming both upstream and down – these are all wonderful symbols of where you are energetically upon your planet. There are many things changing. Each of you through your knowledge and the work you have done to date, each of you have been able to confuse yourself in which direction you wish to go. Once you think you have decided, something comes along and you see it as a sign, or you see it as a reasoning, and you change your direction. You are not noticing that it is nothing more than an old intention coming back because the layers are thinner than they have ever been before.

You will see old physical issues coming back – old pains, old problems. You will see old pains and problems coming back in people and situations as well. In your jobs, perhaps, or in your friendships or in your families, you will see some things that you were so completely sure you had finalized coming back to the surface again. This puts each of you into a place of making choices, not so much based on the choices you have made in the past but based on choices you wish to make for your future.

Since all is in ‘now’ time, it means you must all learn to center yourself on a regular basis within your own emotional bodies. Go in, in that moment, and say ‘how does this make me feel?’ Be honest with your answers. Then proceed dependent upon that feeling. If you wish to have more of the feeling, proceed in the direction you were going. If you wish to have less of the feeling, determine what direction would be best for you to go.

So where you are now, the best we can say to you is in a state of constant flux and change. It is not a bad thing, nor is it a good thing. It is the thing that is happening currently because of the ways the energies are coming out of and to your planet.

Q: The veils are extremely thin and things are leaking through all over the place. How do I handle that?

Your concept of leaking and ours perhaps is not the same. Things are not going to be coming in the sill of your window, or leaking over your stoop. Or as the rains have come in with Gustav (hurricane) to be leaking into your homes. Rather, what is happening, whether you are aware or not, is that you are creating openings.

It is not leakage. It is curiosity. It is expectation. It is intention. It is on many, many levels, but not necessarily leakage. You have chosen to go beyond where you have been stuck. Part of that choice will take you to dimensionalities. Will take you to those other places that you do, indeed, exist, but perhaps have not accepted your existence before now. Does that make sense?

Q: Yes it does. I would just ask, also, is that curiosity and expectation and intention, here in other dimensions – are they likewise curious about what’s going on here?

How could they not be? It is still you, just in a different form. We believe the line from your poet is that a rose is still a rose. Each of you incorporate, through your 3-dimensional personality, other aspects of your other personalities in other dimensions. At the same time, you are still you. If you have humor here, it is logical, is it not, to go by the idea that there will be logic in other places as well but perhaps tempered in different ways. If you are artistic here, it is also logical to believe that you are artistic in those other dimensions. It does not mean that this is all you are. It does not mean that you cannot be one without the other. It simply means that your personality will not be shifting that much when you find your other dimensional self. Rather, you will be becoming full or more if that does make sense.

Earth Changes - Concept of Prediction

What we wish to say to you first is the concept of predictions. As dimensionalities become more aware of other dimensionalities, your concept of prediction will also shift and change. There are predictions being made in who will be elected in your political process. There are predictions being made on the track that a particular hurricane will follow. There are predictions being made on a regular basis within every body, every day, and every time. Sometimes it is only the prediction of where someone will take you to lunch or for that matter, if they will take you to lunch. We are saying, when you use the word ‘prediction’, you are seeing it as something that you expect to have proven to you after the fact.

We will say to you now, the sun will rise. That is not much of a prediction but would have been in another time period before the concept of how the mechanics of it were realized. The concept of predictions needs to be looked upon differently for this particular quarter. The thinking processes are changing on your planet. The structure, as we have said again and again, is changing upon your planet. With this structural change, there obviously will be changes in attitude, changes in the way things are predicted, changes in what will be predicted. The difficulty with predictions that we all must be cautious of is that they can often, depending upon the source, create rather than just make people aware. If we give you a prediction that says this storm will hit on this day in this area, and then all those people in that area believe what we have said, then is it, indeed, a prediction or a creation based on the agreement of many people.

You Have Power

We are bringing this up to you for as we give you the information going into your last quarter of your year 2008, we want to make it very plain the power that is available to each and every one of you is greater than it has ever been before. As we speak of possibilities, we wish you to recognize what you can all create individually as well as collectively. In bringing this up to you, to make sure that you do not fall into what we have discussed before in the past, the concept of fear and greed. The more people who fall into the concept of fear and greed, the more likely they are to predict and then produce exactly what it is they are predicting! For they are coming at this from fear and greed.

The best we can explain this to you, children, is that this is the quarter when some of the splitting will be taking place. Some people will be going in one direction, and some will be going in another. They will both be living within the 3rd dimension and yet, at the same time, will seem like it is two different worlds that we will be speaking of.

It is two different worlds that you will see upon your news. It is two different worlds that you will see within your towns. It is two different worlds that you will see within your families for there will be much to do about the concept of what a prediction is and what a creation is. Are they not nice words? Prediction and creation? They both end in the ‘shun’ (using the sound of the last syllable) and the ‘shun’ of your particular language is about avoiding, is it not? So many of you avoid creating, just as many of you avoid predicting.

You are fearful of being wrong. Hmm. Always interesting for the ‘wrongness’ falls into the category of fear. Is it not interesting that you are both fearful of predicting as well as fearful of creating? And if you are fearful of both of those things it does make all of us wonder how, indeed, your dimension manages to move forward.

We hopefully will be speaking to you on using these lovely powers that we know you have, to both create and predict what it is you are choosing for you and your planet and the community you wish to create around you. It is one of the reason you are so frustrated right now. You will all be splitting away from. Sue made a comment that it is so much harder to come back (once you have gone into the energy for special work). She said that there will come a time when you won’t have to. That is what we speak of.

As your vibration increases, you will not want to come back to the old vibration. The difficulty in functioning and your functionality is that you think you are supposed to come back. To what? When you have been in a place that felt wonderful, why would you go backward to something that is not comfortable? You have not yet understood this piece. That is part of what will be coming to you in this quarter.

Changes on the Planet

We will tell you that there will be great upheaval on almost every continent but you know that for it has been happening. Expect more. Expect it in different ways. If this is the area that has always had flooding, you can now expect that area to have something different. If this is the path that the hurricane always traveled, you can now expect that path to be different. For what will be happening is those who are choosing to fall under the influence of the negativity of the energy of destruction, of the energy of wrongness, of the energy of something going wrong, then that particular path will, indeed, be followed.

When you look from continent to continent upon your planet, and when you look at what is going on and the direction – and we will use the term direction – it is taking, you will find it most interesting to see that the paths will be somewhat different than they have been before. Now the path will be following those who are supporting what is going on in relation to that. That is something that all of you discovered (speaking specifically to the group present for this channel) by working the land the way you did. You have discovered that the direction you all chose was to bring it together to make it whole. Which is what community is all about, is it not? So, what you are all doing, consciously or unconsciously for this quarter is creating community with an expectation of wholeness.

It is difficult to expect wholeness when you look at the pieces and do not want them to be part of the wholeness. When you receive information from various people that you do not really want, what happens is that there is an allowance given to these people out of what is called manners that does not assist those people who were looking for community. Those of you who are looking for community need to stand up and say, ‘yes we understand where you are coming from, but this is what we have agreed upon’. So the ‘look, a shiny object’ issue happens often and everyone then keeps losing track. That is what is going to happen with these various earth changes. People will be losing track of where they are, where they are going, and what is happening. The example of your hurricane that landed in Florida many times (Hannah) shows that the track was not what was usually predicted. The fact of Gustav coming in and changing its course and tracking just a little differently is another example. Do you all realize that one of the reasons it changed the tracking? The fear was no longer there to attract it. They left the city, did they not? With their leaving, they took their fear with them.

Who Attracts What

So recognize the power that each and every individual is going to have in regard to earth changes. Look at the path that these things will be following. Look at the volcano that does not necessarily send lava in all directions. Look at the hurricane that does not travel the normal path. Look at the earthquake that happens in areas where it usually does not happen for that also will be occurring. When you see these things happening, allow yourself to go back into your research or your minds and ask: Why did the people of this area, of this particular place choose to attract this to them? Why did the people who are not there during this occasion choose to not be there? There will be much power being bandied about. The question will be whether anyone will notice that they, indeed, as individuals have power and as groups have even more power.

Your earth changes will be many and varied and yet different than what you have seen in the past.

Ocean Temperatures And Breathing Change

We will say to you that there will be changes in the temperature of your oceans. It is something that you have been aware of yet not paying much attention to. We will say as these temperatures in your oceans shift and change, it will be affecting those living upon the earth as well as those living within the water. It has to do with some breathing things that have been going on currently in your planet. You have made the air difficult for many to breathe. As the temperatures within the oceans start to shift, they will be offering changes for your atmosphere on many levels clearing out some of the debris and toxins that have been within your air stream. So because of these changes in the temperatures, you will also see the changes in the way what you call the jet streams move.

Your science will try to connect this to things that have happened in the past and say to you that this is very normal. We will say to you they will be incorrect. It is normal, yes, for the time period you are in but it is not a repeat of something from before. All things shift and move. There is no need to repeat them if they are learned the first time through.

Jet Stream/Migratory Changes

The jet stream changes will also be creating changes in the migratory patterns of all animals, not just some. You will see migratory changes on the land. You will see migratory changes in the air. You will see migratory changes within the waters. Think of your elements – earth and air and water. These migratory changes will be shifting.

Your science recently discovered that when herds of mammals, such as cows and deer are feeding, they tend to feed in a northerly direction. Big surprise. It had to do with the understanding from your mammals of the magnetic shifts within your planet. As you see that start to change, and people will say because it was ‘bad’ science to begin with, that it is not true that this is what the herds do, when you see it begin to change, you will recognize that there will be changes in those migratory patterns we speak of. You will also note that there will be changes in your longitude and latitude areas. Arbitrary lines for you to determine what is where, and yet at the same time, lines you have given energy to, to determine how to find. These changes will be energetic. They will be affecting how your air vehicles determine how to get from point A to point B. All of these things will be affected, including the underground. So as the migratory patterns are changed, because of the way things have been built, so will the movement of earth and water and air be changed. Your mechanical devices that you use within those areas will also be affected by these changes. You may not always be aware of the affected things that are happening, but if you pay attention to the magnetic piece, it will make more sense to you as time goes on.

We are looking at your earth as a totality and telling you that your magnetic web around your planet has shifted greatly. In its shifting, it is changing all of the things that we are speaking of. As these things change, the right people will of course be in the right places at the right time. All these things are coming together to make this split between these different attitudes – perhaps we can say the third and fourth dimension just as an example. Your observation, your focus will be in one place and someone else’s focus may be in another. It does not mean you cannot live side by side for you have been doing it for centuries. This is because all dimensions exist in all places in all time. We do not wish to confuse you, it is the best explanation we can offer. Does this all make sense?

Q: I just wondered that when you spoke of all the magnetic changes, would this also affect the ley lines and the location of vortexes on the earth?

That is very correct. It is why we have said in the past that many are closing and many are opening.

Q: Okay. Does that have any relationship to the old areas of say, Atlantis and Lemuria?

We of course are always pleased with your questions especially when you answer them as well as ask them. We will say to you and your scientific brain, ‘what would you say?’

R: I would think of Atlantis and Lemuria as places of power, and perhaps the old places of power are awakening again.

Perhaps they were never old places to begin with.

R: Well you told us that they were dimensional.

That is correct.

R: My guess would be that we have more access to them than ever before.

That is also correct.

R: We just need to tap into them?

You have opened other doors. We will suggest to you that you open this particular door since you seem to be wanting to understand more. If you go into yourself, you will understand all.

So that, in essence, will be part of your earth changes for your last quarter of your year 2008. What is the next topic of conversation?

Governments and Politics

We wish to address your concept of governing for you do not. Your governing is more around control. Your governing is more around dictating then it is, of course, the freedom that you seem to believe within your country that you have. We will say to you that this particular quarter you will be seeing, within the politicking of the United States some aberrations and changes in the way it had always been done.

We mentioned before there was a possibility of another candidate if they so chose to come into this race. As much as logic says this is no longer possible, we will say to you there is all possibility still, that this is not going to be what you are seeing it as in this moment. There are those who are predicting, as we said, who will win. We will ask you to see above, when we talked about predicting and creating. What we will say to you about the political arena for your country and for the countries of your planet is that this last quarter will be the seeding of the peoples learning to govern selves.

This last quarter will be the beginnings of the individual recognizing the need to take care of the individual and as such, assist all others. This last quarter will be showing in full force to all peoples the need to be compassionate with all peoples. This last quarter will be soliciting from all the need to recognize where strength dwells within the human structure. And strength dwells, of course, within the heart center. So the heart will be opening in regard to politics. Unfortunately when this happens, the mind shuts down. You will have many mindless issues that will not pertain to anything of merit or need but it will be overwhelmed by the heart issues that will be coming out because of changes upon the planet and changes within the structure and the dimension in which you are all living.

You see politics as either or. That is true on every continent and with every government. It is either this party or that party. It is either this is right or that is wrong. That will no longer be something that can be held. You have a recognition within the United States of the concept of ruling by counsel. You do not execute it well. It will be better understood in this quarter than it has been before. You often speak of checks and balances. They have not been instituted. They will be instituted in this last quarter. You will find that many things that look like one thing on the surface when you get below them will be very different.

Sue has in her mind her favorite purple pepper she just found (in order to make attractive salads!) where the outside was a beautiful deep purple and the inside was a lime green. It is true that things will look one way on the surface and different when you get inside. This will be true of people. This will be true of governments. This will be true of countries.

You notice we put the people first. Eventually, as this quarter begins and these seeds are planted the people will be putting themselves first and they will no longer allow some of the things they allowed in the past to continue. You have more power than you have given yourself credit for.

Since it was spoken earlier about the concept of predictions and those who wish to follow, is it then simply creation? We will say go out and create. Create the peace you say you desire by living the peace you desire. Create the abundance you say you desire by living the abundance you desire. Create your brotherhood of man by living your brotherhood of man. Love is the answer to all questions provided you are capable of going into your heart center and seeing that love must not have conditions. It must not be restricted. It must not be only the way you love. Love in its truest form does not have an identity that is within the human sphere but is rather internationally, interdimensionally, universally accepted as a vibration and feeling and not as a definition of right or wrong. When one is functioning on that particular vibrational level, there is no right or wrong, there simply is the energy that is flowing and the reaction to that energy as you are coming into contact with it. Your reaction is to accept, to reject, to change, to alter, for there is no right or wrong reaction, either.

So your politicking, the seeds will be planted towards the beginnings of this information not understood by the end of your year 2008 and yet, at the same time hope – something many of you have been without for a very long time period – will again be raising its head and offering information in a way it has never offered before. You are not alone, and you will be discovering this at the end of this particular quarter.

Finance and Economy.

It is interesting. We know that you said finance and economy but we heard violence and economy. Is that not interesting? Is it not telling that in the vibration that comes through this particular phone hear the word as violence and not finance? Things that make you go "hmm".

So we will talk to you about finance for it will be changing its definition. We have said this before. You have not always understood.

When the European countries went through their change of money and created the Euro Dollar, there was resistance to having something the same. Yet now, we can say it is kicking ass! There will be a similar change in your country to see money in a different way. We must approach this from a different angle for the symbolism used in the making of your money has great power. To change it too much would create great difficulty. And yet, you have noted that the dollar bill has not changed. It is all of the other denominations they have been working with. It is the symbolism on the dollar bill that is the greatest collectively as well as individually. We will say to you that the finance picture, the concept of the dollar has no choice but to change. Right now, it has nothing to support it.

There is great illusion in your economy. You do not own your own economy. You have given it up to other countries, to other importance, to survival in an interesting way. So here you are, the illusion of a great country that truly is not longer great for it is all bravado and no action. That is what has happened to your monetary structure. When something happens to this extent, the structure must be changed in order to survive. Panic can destroy many things if it is not handled correctly. The barter system will become more important towards this last quarter. All of you are already thinking upon that level.

The concept of doing favors for one another will be increasing in this last quarter. The time period that you call the holidays that is meant to generate great finance through your retail institutions will not do the job it has done in the past. The finances as you call them are simply not there to increase the way retailers wish their things to increase.

You have many things. They will have little value in a very short time period. So your finances and your money are going to be directly related to how you approach your fellow beings. They are going to be greatly related to how you actually choose to see what is happening around you. Some will notice, some will not. Some will be affected quite strongly. Some will not be affected at all. The original concept of your value, if you believe it to be based in the monetary level, you will be greatly affected by the changes of the last quarter. If you instead put your value in a different light, then the changes happening in this quarter will not affect you that greatly.

Do not fear for the fear will simply create more problems. Do recognize that the idea of spending or having to spend, or needing to spend, will be fulfilled if the intention is pure in its root, and expected in its outcome. Literally, plucking from the air, we can say. There must be an understanding prior to this happening. So recognize for finance and money in the last quarter of your year 2008 you will find many people feeling poor, feeling fearful, feeling the need to do more in order to get more instead of recognizing how they are already taken care of.

You might all wish to find your own mantra that says "I am already taken care of in all ways, on all levels, in all dimensions" so that you do not feel there is something you must or have to do in order to survive in this last part of your year

Q: One of the statements you made was that the finances would be related to how we see our fellow beings.

That is correct.

Q: I’m not sure. Could you explain that a little more for me?

We will say that if you see someone as rich, you must ask yourself how and why are they, and why do you give them that power? If you see someone as rich because you know they have an open heart, that they are giving and kind and generous and able and functional on every level, that is one way of determining value. If you see someone as monetarily rich, that is another way of determining value. If you are choosing to determine only one way to see value in your fellow human being, you will be struggling mightily with your own concept of money. If, instead, you recognize the value in your fellow human being, for the very fact of their existence, you will not struggle with your understanding of your monetary system.

We will give you the concept of the commercial of the PC and the Mac. The latest one in Sue’s head is when the PC is sitting upon a throne saying he is not fearful of losing any of his people because it is too complicated to change. The Mac’s response is that it is easy to change. Therefore, the response of the king is ‘I banish you!’. It is the way he is perceiving self as being king and expecting that all will contain and continue and be part of what he is dictating in his richness. That is what gives him power and what dis-empowers those about him. When the Mac says, but we can make it easy, there will still be only a small amount who will perceive Mac differently and to look at this other way of things and say ‘this is correct and right for me’ and the riches here are different than the riches there.

Science, Medicine and Health.

When you told us this heading, we heard the last word as ‘hell’! And is that not true of some of your medicine?

As this energy begins to plant the seeds for the splitting of one to the other, the separation of one area to another area, the change of vibration to another vibration, there cannot help but be a change in your science as well.

There is something in Sue’s mind that is being done this Friday about stand up to cancer (referring to something that was done on network television). We like the fact that they do not say fight it. We like the fact that there is a cooperation going on from your network to your network to your network and no longer being seen as separate. We like the fact that there are many getting involved. We are saddened by the fact that those involved are not smarter in other ways of healing and finding an answer. It is a good way to sum up what will be happening in your last quarter about medicine.

You will still have those who insist on being structured – we must do this and then this and then this. The other side will be people recognizing that they all need something very individual from what is being dictated ‘must be’.

So if we have six people, and all six people are suffering from the same thing, there will more than likely be six ways to change it, improve it, correct it if it is indeed wrong or simply change it. There will not be only one way, one pill, one thing.

The discovery within your last quarter will be around the multiple layered and pronged ways of doing, saying, being so that if there is something going on in someone, it will not be the pill roulette – where they will give you this and then give you that – but rather for those people connected with their physicalities, there will be a sense of leaning in a direction of sound, of music, of light, of alternative ways of thinking, acting, being. It will not be as off the wall as it has been seen in the past. It will not be as shunned as it has been in the past. And as the individual connects to their heart center which is then, in turn, connected to the universe, which is then, in turn, connected to All That Is, then these people will find for themselves what is right and correct in working with their physicalities as well as their biologies.

For some, what will be happening will be related to dimensional shifting. Think about if you go to visit someone and you leave something at their house. When you come home, you recognize you have left something there. Some of the dimensional work that is being done unconsciously is allowing you to leave pieces of yourself in the other dimensions. It then affects your physicality in the dimension where your focus is created which is your third dimension now. If you will recognize that this is simply a blending of the many multiple dimensions in your healing process through sound and color and light, if you will recognize that you are the magnetic link to yourself and can call to yourself at any time you wish all of your pieces at the same time, you will also find that your healing processes will be different than the way you have seen them in the past.

Science will be recognizing the electromagnetic changes within the planet and hence the electromagnetic changes within the physicalities of your bodies. What they will not yet recognize is why your field will start affecting outside fields. They will not understand that as your magnetic field shifts and changes, it shifts and changes the electromagnetic field around you. When these things are being researched, and they are trying to understand, there will be some "Eureka" concepts coming from this of "wow, this is all that must be done for this". This will be true for some but not for all because of what we have said. It will all be very individual.

Science will be going crazy with some of its new discoveries for as the electromagnetic fields change, it opens up other levels of information that can be – we will use the word seen – through special equipment that says to science, "oh my God, we did not know that was there!’. Science then turns around and says: "If that is there, then perhaps this will be over there." There will be new fields and areas opening for curiosity and information. It will be a time when, again, seeds are going to be planted of great change coming and if certain things are allowed to come into the press, you will find great inventions by the end of this year.

Religion and Spirituality

Sue likes the phrase "finding God" because she never knew he was lost. If He was God, why would He be? We will say to you that many people right now are lost and they are looking for self in all the wrong places! Self, of course, is within. The spirituality can assist people in discovering the ‘within’ self but it is difficult to break the habits of a lifetime. Some of these habits can be lifted, changed, moved, because people are curious enough to try on some new things.

All of you can attest, in the light work you have done to date, that it is not as easy to do as it seems on the surface. Just because you say you believe, does not mean you truly believe. Just because you say you can, does not mean you’ll allow yourself to. Just because you want to, does not mean you’ll give yourself permission to know you deserve. All of these things are related to your spirituality and your religion.

For those of you seeking, we will say seek within. For those of you who have found, we will say open your mind for even more for there will be no one answer for anything going on around you. If you wish to turn over your troubles, as you say, to God, or Christ, or Buddha, or Krishna, we will say there is nothing wrong with that as long as you have already taken a step on the path. Otherwise, do not complain with what you get. The path will be chosen for you!

There is always assistance around you, at any time, in any place that you live or exist, that includes your other dimensional selves. With this help that is around you, its purpose is to be there when you ask. We will say again, to be there when you ask! Most of you are not used to asking. Most of you pray, but it is not usually in the form of a request. It is rather in the form of if you do this, I’ll do that, if you’re nice to me now, I’ll be nice to you later. It is not the simple thing of ‘please assist me with’. You have that power.

Your spirituality, as it blossoms in this new quarter coming in, will be seeking direction through teachers, through preachers. We will say to you to enjoy them, to have a good time with them, but NOT to give your power to them. That is not what it is all about.

You will see some very charismatic characters coming out of this time period. Again, we will say to enjoy what they have to say to you but do not give your power away. Recognize the power that is within you and always, as you are seeking your spirituality, to go within. That is where all the answers can and will be found when you have the patience to go there.

As some of the leaders emerge, some will be simply intellectually mesmerizing, and some will be truly heart centered. The way you will know is by going to your heart center not to your mind. Follow, instead, how you feel about yourself and not how you feel about how someone else makes you feel. Follow, instead, your own power and not the power of another individual who is no greater nor lesser than you. Follow, instead, the heart and information that lies within and not the path that someone else has said is the way to travel. Throw away your road map and have a new adventure!

ET Activity

You are closer in your understanding of having others besides the Homo Sapiens upon the planet than you have ever been before. You are treated like children by many and some assume that it cannot be known that there is more than what meets the eye. There is probability and possibility in this last quarter that communication will be open in a new and different way with what you refer to as ET’s.

There has been an increase in your crop circle activity which is a form of communication. It is a form to help you go within yourself to understand. We will say to you, it will be important for you to understand what it is you expect in meeting someone who is not Homo Sapiens. There have been too many Hollywood movies, too many projections and predictions of a negative sense that would say, this will be the end of instead of the beginning of.

We will offer to you the potential to meet yourself is there. There is great potential for the information that has been hidden for many years to make itself known before the end of this year in regard to ET activity. We will not say that it will happen in ways that make sense. We will instead say, it will happen in ways that slip out, in ways that, hmm, by accident become known. Little things build to bigger things.

So there is potential in this quarter that what has been hidden in regard to ET activity will be made public. We will be curious to see how and if this truly comes about for there is still a great deal of speculation on who the ET’s are and what they are here for. Some of it is correct. Some of it is incorrect. The timing will be interesting as well for there will be earth shifting and changes where you will be needing assistance. The question will be, can you get past your own prejudices as Homo Sapiens and open your hearts to receive someone different than you? On a planet where you argue religion and color, it will be interesting, will it not?

Q: You never called us Homo Sapiens before.

And your point?

Q: My point is why now?

For we are asking you to see yourself in totality, those who live upon the planet who indeed are Homo Sapiens, for there are others. You are a category in and of yourself. Does that answer?

Q: Yes. Would you like to mention some of the other categories that are not Homo Sapiens and not animals as we understand them?

No we would not.

R: (laughing) Of course not!

But we will say that they are part of this mix. They are part of the ET that you speak of.

Q: And they’re living here?

Of course.... watching you. . . naked in the shower (TM humor)!

R: I believe that.

They would be amused to hear that. Does that answer your ET question?

R: Yes, it does.


As you know, there is no way the planet can change and shift and not affect all those things that live upon it, live within it, live around it. As the planetary shifts occur, you will see these changes.

We spoke already about the migratory patterns, your jet streams, in all of these things it means your breathing will be changing, your bodies will be changing, your heartbeat will be changing. These are not necessarily negative things. These are just simply things that are shifting within the physicality of each individual.

Perhaps we need to say, do not worry, do not fret. We would hope that they will be gradual enough that many will not notice. They (medicine) will continue to be unable to diagnose what is happening in some bodies because it has nothing to do with the structure as they know it.

Q: I have had issues with asthma in the past, and some of my family members do, is that going to be better for them? Or is it up to whether or not they are able to shift with this shift as well.

It is up to their shifting but it is also up to their expectation. The very fact that you say ‘I have’ , ‘I have had’, ‘they have’, you have already put out your prediction and creation, have you not. We are saying to simply turn around and say "My breathing is fine". It is a very different phrase than ‘I have had trouble with asthma’. Perhaps you can continue to have asthma but no trouble.

R: Fair enough.

If you wish to have a label for one reason or another, that is fine. But do you really need to have what goes with the label?

R: No.

We will say that will be true of all people. They do not need their labels unless they choose to have them. They do not need their labels to be negative. They can still have these things if they choose to have these things but it need not affect the body in a negative way.

This will be true of all of the body shape changes and things like that. This will be true of – we said the breathing will change and the heart beat will change. This is something that science will not quite understand but will see a great deal of.

Diagnosing something when 90% of the population has it strikes us as something odd. We would think that if enough people are doing it they would accept the fact that this is the new change. There will be other changes within the physicality.

You will be seeing, coming into the planet, animals being born differently than they have in the past with either a different appendage or more. It does not mean there is something wrong, it simply means the vibrations are coming in now in different ways and forming new things. It will be important for everyone upon the planet to come away from judging as right wrong or good or bad and simply seeing these things for what they are which is changing.

So your physicalities yes, indeed, will be changing. Your breathing and your heartbeat will be changing. You will have the option to change other things within yourself should you choose to. We will say to you if you expect to be changing yourself based on the outside expectation that is not the change we speak of. If you want to look like a model, that is not the change we speak of. If you wish to look like your favorite actor or actress, that is not the change we speak of. The change we speak of needs to come from within, needs to come from a place of comfort. When it comes from there, the change will happen without any issue.

Sue speaks of spontaneous healing. That needs to be expected before it can happen. There needs to be a piece of the person that understands that of course, this is possible not just when you go to a place like Lourdes or Chimayo but rather in all things in life. So that will be the body changes.

The vibrational changes have to do with the body changes. The vibrational changes have to do with the earth changes and we have already spoken of those things. Know more than ever that each and every person is creating both as an individual and as a group. Know that your community is creating in many different ways. Even though you may not be all in the same place, you are still community and as such create as community.

The change is coming onto the planet for this last piece of this year will be preparing you for the many, many more changes coming in the next year. As you get closer to what you are calling 2012, what you will be seeing and doing will be an increase in your abilities and capabilities in ways you never knew.