Sue Yarmey Channels The Many
3rd Quarter 2007 Predictions

Channeled May 28, 2007


Earth Changes


We will tell you that the earth changes will be bigger and greater than they have been before. We will tell you that what will be happening upon your earth, is that it will start small and grow and grow and grow until you pay attention. We will tell you that all the movement that is happening within the planet will just get bigger. We will tell you that these things will be happening in this quarter depending upon the attitude of the people in the areas where these things are usual. However, because there is new attitude in new places, you will find things happening in places that have not happened there before. Do not be surprised to hear of volcanoes in places that have been dormant for many, many years. Do not be surprised to hear of earthquakes in areas that are not prone to earthquakes. Do not be surprised to find storms happening “out of season”.


The Elements


All of your elements are now activated. We will use the word “activated”. What we mean by that is that each and every one has a freedom it did not have before from their controller, their mother, Gaia. Each of them has the ability now to go in and sweep things clean. You will see more things happening by the elements. We have spoken of this before in the past and it has happened. This time it will happen even bigger than when we have spoken in the past. We will say there is no need to sacrifice anyone to the volcano. However, what needs to be sacrificed is the old way of doing things.


Think of the Earth as a Person


Think of the earth a little differently for this quarter. Think of the Earth as a person. Let each continent represent a part of her personality. With each continent there will be personality shifts and changes. There will be the areas where her personality is hot or cold. There will be the place where her personality is shaking or standing still. There will be the place, planet wide, where things will be happening constantly. One will not be able to go rescue another for one must stay in one’s own backyard to see what is going on. It will be a lesson for all.


Being Aware


This is the last quarter before the new energy takes it final hold. It is rooting itself deeply now. It is allowing itself to go to a place that is different from the norm you have created in your mind’s eye. The shifting that is happening on the planet with the “thinking” public, with the “feeling” public, with the people who are aware of these changes, will assist these changes and make the adjustment more easily than those who are not aware.


Those who are not aware, if they insist on resisting, they will find their resistance will meet with more issues. If the people continue to say “this is not happening”, the planet will continue to show them just what is happening. If the people continue to say, “it does not matter what we do”, it will be the same – the planet will give you more of the same.


Please understand you are not being punished. Please understand that this is not about someone doing something in what you would say in your terms, “wrong”. We have told you that there is no “wrong” where this is concerned. We are simply saying that there is instant manifestation from what you are sending out. You already know that resistance only creates more of what you resist. Do not look just to your country, but look to your globe. Your globe will start telling you a story. The story it will tell you will either go north to south or south to north. It will either travel the equator, or work above or below. It will be a pattern that you eventually will be able to pay attention to and you will be able, on some level, to predict what will be happening next.


We are not talking about what you call in California, “the Big One”. Rather, we are talking about all the smaller things that will lead to the bigger things depending upon the energy that is placed within them in the time that they are happening. We do not say these things to be confusing. We say these things to get you to recognize the power that you have in changing what is going on around and what will continue to go on around you. There will be many changes so let us look at your country first.


United States


We will say to you, both east coast and west coast will be seeing unusual weather patterns. The increase of the wind in the middle of your country, the increase of the rain on the coasts of your country. You will see storms that are not supposed to be there. We do like when you say “that is not possible” when you are watching something happening. You will see storms like that occurring in places where they do not “seem” to belong. They now belong.


From coast to coast within your country, you will see much around natural disasters. This will bring about questions in your government about where you have stationed your soldiers. There is controversy there. (We will speak of that when we speak on government.) We will say what will be happening to your country, there will be a need of more “hands” doing more things. There will be a need of more neighbors helping neighbors. There will be a need of people connecting now in ways they have not connected before.


It is unfortunate that you do not meet your neighbors until disaster strikes. That will be the case in some places. As these things happen, as you watch these things happen, you will also be able to predict what will be next by the attitude that is being offered from where the help is coming. People who will be fearful in going to help their neighbor will find themselves in a place of more fear. Hence, they will attract the issues.



We will say within your country there will be great crop issues. We have spoken of this in the past, also. You will see an abundance of some and the destruction of others. You will see some of this will be based on the greed that is used within the growing of these particular things. You will see the larger, greedy-type companies losing more. In their infinite wisdom, they feel they can charge you more because of it. That is not true. Many of you understand how to be more self sufficient than you have allowed yourself to be. The length of your growing season will not be what it has been in the past. There will be instances of longer in some areas and shorter in others. The only way to determine what will happen where, will be with the understanding going on within your heart. The farmer that is suffering from the drought in the place you call Florida, perhaps will not be able to grow what he has grown in the past. Yet, his neighbor will seem like everything is fine. If you will look at these instances from the position of fear, you will better understand what is actually happening.


Science will not understand. The news media will not understand. Many people will not understand. You will find some Christian organizations trying to make this about God. All things are about God, but not in the way they will be preaching. Know that from farmer to farmer, from state to state, from place to place, the crop season will be different, the growing season that we speak of. The crops that look like they will make it to market may not make it to market. There will be many changes in your eating patterns this particular summer. This will be because it will be too wet in some places and too dry in others.


You need only listen to self. You need only know that there is no such thing as hunger. You need only stay within self to recognize that whatever they feel they are lacking you do not need to lack, for you do not lack. Unless, of course, you believe that! That will be happening within your country. You will see also within your country, areas that did not have earthquakes suddenly having earthquakes – areas that are not equipped or prepared for these kind of things. There will be areas where they have mined the earth in inappropriate ways. There will be areas where they have destroyed, in one way or another, earth connectedness. You need not worry unless you are living in one of those spaces. Even then, you will be forewarned. The earth changes that are coming within your country will revolve around the elements as they will your entire globe. If there is air or fire or water or earth connected, there will be happenings going on. We realize this may not help you in some ways. If you stay alert to what is happening, you will better understand.


Storm Pattern Changes

Look for the tornadoes to come in, we will say south of their usual pattern or north of their usual pattern. The point is that their middle will be different. Middle, instead of using wind, will be using fire which is Sun, to be drying things. Once things are dry, the air can come and clean them away. You will find a lot of this will be about cleaning – wet to dry to dust to wind. That does not necessarily mean that will be the pattern but there will be a cleaning on the planet. Stay out of your fear, children, and there will not be issues.


World Changes

We told you that the rest of the world will be going through similar experiences as this country. Look at it as micro and macro if you choose to. You will see in Europe, again, all of the elements will be very active – more rain or less rain; more wind or no wind. Things that you are expecting to have will not be there for you. Therefore, you must determine what it is you choose to have. There is a big difference in those phrases. All of the globe will see much of what your country will see, just not in the same ways.



We wish to add a special place here to speak of your planet in regard to the oceans. You are going to see a rise in your oceans. This has been steadily happening, but will be happening a bit more quickly than expected. As your oceans rise, there will be concern for the life within the oceans. You have not yet leaned what this means to all of you. You have not yet understood the life blood that is the ocean on your planet.


You will find that if you continue in the fishing the way you have, there will be even more issues coming up. You cannot say “if we do not allow this family to fish, this family will starve” for that is not true. You have come to think of things in global ways instead of individual ways. The rising of the oceans will be about the individual. It will be about the emotional impact of what is happening to each individual. It will be about the understanding of being filled with emotional ideas. Some people will see it as negativity, anxiety and problems. Some people will see it as fulfillment and love and great capacity for caring. Which you choose, of course, will be yours.


Emotional Changes/Dimensional Information

As the oceans change, so will the way you look at the world in which you live. You will have no choice. Gaia has always been larger than you. She has always had the ability to determine what she wishes or does not wish. Right now her wishing is to increase the emotional response because her emotional response is being increased. How can yours not also be measured? With the changes in the oceans, you will see changes in discoveries. Changes in what is available that you have never seen before. We have told you in the past that you would find new things in archeology and this is very true. You will find new things based on the rise of the ocean in some places and the elimination of water in other places. You will find on the bottom of these places where you could not have gone to that depth before, information that will clue you in to some dimensional work provided you can look at it with open minds and not the fear that some of your scientists will be using.


We have said to you nothing can stay hidden. The reason this is true is because the light that is coming in cannot be darkened. You do not have to accept it. It will still shine on anything you put before it. You do not need to look at it, but that does not mean it will not be seen. Understand that as your oceans change and rise in some areas and other bodies of water get lower, you will be discovering more about your past in a dimensional way than you have ever seen before. There will be clues to some Peoples that perhaps you did not know about. Or if you knew about these Peoples, you did not truly understand because there was not enough information until now. You will be seeing some of this happening in this new quarter of your year 2007. It relates to water. It is one of the elements that will be here to teach you what is changing energetically on your planet.


Q: Are we going to discover some things that are related to the Dead Sea?


We do like the word Dead Sea. We will say it will be related to many things that you have found pieces of in the past. No one has had the “time” to decipher these things. It is not that they have not had the time, it is their fear that has kept them from wanting to discover. Now, these things will come to the surface in such a way that they can no longer keep them hidden from the general population. In answer to your question, it is yes, but much more than yes.



Q: Will there be information about Atlantis and/or Lemuria?


We will say to you that that information will be made available but it will not be tagged or chosen to be called by those names. Those who know will know.


Governments - Individual Power

We shall talk to you next about governments. It will be most important for people to understand the individual power that will be available to them in this new quarter coming up. You have seen the arguments going on in various countries with various, what you call, leaders including the country in which you live. You have heard the complaints of people about the governing bodies. You have seen choices and decisions being reached not based on what you call the democratic system of the most people’s voices, but rather on the system that says the most powerful voices. You know that they are not the same. That will be changing.


You will see the people turning and saying – “that is all well and good, you have a right to do that, say that, go there, but we are now going to travel in this direction. We are now going to choose to do this instead of that. We are now going to be looking at things from this angle instead and not that angle.” In doing this, more and more people will be claiming their power. As more and more people claim their power, they will be tougher for your governments to stand against, which is what they try to do in their cooperative way – the governments say “yes, yes, of course you are right, but let us do it in this way and it will be better for all”. Now the all will be turning around and saying “we choose not to go that way but rather this way. We do not care what you choose.” You will see more of that not just in your country but in countries across your world.


You will see less dictation and more group decision. The decision will be based not on the best for the group, but each individual will be choosing a path that is best for them while still honoring the other people and the paths they have chosen who are with them. This truly is not contradiction except in the way you govern things. You will see these changes happening in governments everywhere.



We would like to take you to the nation you call Africa. Africa has more power than you have ever imagined. It is in the throes of much physical change. We speak of the disease that is the problem in the country. We speak of the rulership that is also a problem in the country. We will say to you, there is great power in this place called Africa. The masses are understanding the hardship of these diseases. They are joining in a new and different way that will make it their foundation in the next 10 years to change dramatically who they are. You would do well to learn lessons from this country by paying attention to what is happening there instead of closing your eyes as many across the world do. In looking at what is happening in that country, you will better understand what is happening in your country but in a more quiet way. Genocide is not just about the killing of people. It also has to do with the killing of spirit.


We will also say to you that China will be amassing more power than it has before. This does not need to be a fearful experience. If you look at these particular people, they have a tendency to take whatever you have done and spend more time with it, and then make it better. Instead of your country where you spend no time with it and expect it to take care of itself. It remains the same until someone makes it better and you suddenly realize “oops, we perhaps should change this”. Your car industry is a perfect example of what you have given away to the Asian mind-set.


Assisting Other Countries

Here are the greatest issues – when you assist another country as the United States or any other we will say “white” country (meaning not from race but from attitude of what is “right”), any country that helps another and then tries to impress upon that country the “right” way of doing something even though they do not understand the concept of the country they are in – they do not understand the upbringing, they do not understand the ethnicity, they do not understand the heritage – they make many assumptions based on their heritage and their understanding. These are usually incorrect. England discovered this as it tried to conquer the world many, many of your years ago.


We will say to you, you can be of assistance to many countries, but in your assistance, you can give them what they ask for, but do not tell them then how to deal with what you’ve given them. Do not give them money and say they must do “this”. Do not give them support and say do not do “that”. That is not how support works.


Living Your Life

China will be proving this point in probably the next 2 to3 years. We give you this information now because there will be, coming up in your quarter, information about both Africa and China. It will be important for all to look at, and not look at it as a country that is in need. Rather, look at it as a country that is learning about itself to build a stronger foundation on where it is going. Pity is not the answer to these countries. To take them over – which seems to be the habit of the United States – is not the answer. The answer, rather, is the understanding of the individual. All of you have the same thing in common – living your life with freedom. It is living your life in the way you choose to live your life when you realize that there is no differences between you and other countries.


Those are two large pieces upon your planet that will be shifting greatly. They will be coming together because of natural disaster, just as you must come together because of natural disaster. We do like the phrase “natural” and “disaster” in the same place. As if it is “wrong” and we tell you there is no wrong. We tell you that everything is right in the moment you are in for what is happening. As long as you stay in touch with that, you will all be fine.


War and Peace

You have those changes happening within your governments and you will find that little wars could turn into big wars, and big wars could become little wars. There will be much opposite happening in this quarter. Regardless of what direction it goes in, all war will be looked upon very differently by the end of this quarter. All war will be looked upon in a new way of waste.

It is time on your planet to see, as lightworkers, what you have done to help accomplish this attitude without needing to beat your chest or say you were right, but simply standing in the light that you have chosen to stand in to show others that they can change what has been happening.


Sue read something and she liked the analogy: Kryon said that you only need 1% of the total population to be working toward peace to have peace. The reason this works is because when you put flavoring in a glass of water, all of the molecules in that water are suddenly flavored, not just the one it bumps up against first. It does not take that many people walking the path of light to create this. It will take the people walking the path to believe this! You will all understand that as things start to unfold in this quarter.



We wish to speak about the economy in a different way to make you aware of the fact that you have chosen a material way of expressing your economy. You have also chosen a mathematical formula in expressing your economy. None of these things are true. The only way to express your economy is individual’s contentedness in a given time period. We will say your economy will be a reflection of the disasters that will be happening around the country, around the world, and around the globe. The reflection will be around people panicking and saying “can’t, can’t, can’t”. We will say your economy, depending upon the attitude you wish to put there, will not be as expected for you all expect it to continue to climb and climb and climb.


There is fear coming in this next quarter. When you look at this next quarter, toward the end of it, you will see a dip into what is going on. This is controversy over war, supplies and crops, over whether people can be fed in the way they are expected to be fed. When this is happening, it is reflected in the economy that is a false reflection, and yet the only one you all use in the stock market of your country and the stock market of other countries. It will be reflected in such a way so that people will stop and take notice and say “what have we done?” The purpose of this is to recognize that indeed, it is your actions that are creating what is going up and what is going down. It is also the actions of those people who feel they can manipulate the masses. That will no longer be allowed.


We can say to you that we are not positive of what direction you will choose, but we are positive that the lesson will be learned in this quarter. We are also positive that the lesson being learned will be up to the individual and experienced in a very individual way. We will say to each and every person to stay centered in their heart, to recognize that they are dimensional beings and as such, can go wherever they so choose to go and find information in any area they wish to find information. With that understanding, when you stand true in your heart center, you will find that the information coming to you need not affect you on any level except those levels you so choose to have affected. You may be able to use this information to get the message you have to other people who might not have listened prior to these events happening.


Please understand much of what will be handed to you will be handed to you so that you can stand in your power even greater than before. If you can keep yourself away from the worry that many people will be falling into, you will find that you will be one that will be leading as you are even now, leading. It is a matter of taking pride in the fact of what you know, what you have accomplished, what you have done and allow others to see this pride in such a way that makes them want to be like you, to take the path that you have chosen. It does not mean they have to mimic or be you. It does, however, give them an opportunity to find a path that they might not have found without your assistance.


Your economy and the economy of the globe will be shifting in great waves. Do not be surprised to see the feminine energy rising in this economical issue as women, as they always do in their energetic way, find ways to nurture those things that need nurturance. That will partly be your economy. We again will not predict that it will go down or crash for that is up to the individuals. We will only say to you that the opportunity to see it for what it really is will be happening toward the end of this quarter.


Science – Vibration

We wish to speak to you now of science. Science is something that will be changing, perhaps more than anything else in this quarter. Science is awakening to levels they have never before allowed because they have been so structured in their thinking process. Now that their thinking process is shifting, they are allowing in the concept of spirituality without calling it spirituality. They have chosen to label it as a new science. You might see this in something we will say, in quantum sciences – string theory has been part of it, quantum science is part of it, anything that goes beyond what they have used in the past is part of this new spirituality and science coming together. They will never see it as something truly spiritual, and that is fine. They will, however, recognize within themselves, the need to prove what is happening. Part of what is happening and part of what they can prove will be the vibrational healing, the energetic signature of certain things that can change the physical body without any invasion. We are not talking of the laying on of hands for that is something science could not understand. We are instead talking about using mechanical/material things to create vibration that science can prove again and again creates a specific response to a specific vibration. They will not understand that even in that testing, it will be different person to person, and that need not be understood at this point in your time. It is enough that science is now looking differently at the healing process, looking differently at the way they are determining and defining the universe in which they live.


Recognizing Other Dimensions/Medical Changes

As science recognizes the other dimensions that are in existence at the same time as the one they are concentrating in, they will be receiving information from these dimensions in ways that will allow them to take them a little further in your dimension and present them in what you call scientific ways. It will be an interesting quarter, for you will see old ideas coming back. You will see ideas that were presented a very long time ago now having basis in science so it can be looked at in a new and different way. There are many things that will be happening scientifically. The biggest things will be in your medical fields. You will see that science and medicine will be working hand in hand in this quarter to create new health. You will see that health and science will be working in new ways in getting the word out in things that have been working for quite some time but have remained secret because they did not have a lobby of money to push it forward. It will be most fascinating to see this and to see the response of the people who could have benefitted from these things. There will be a – we will call it a revolution of sorts – in the healing field for this new quarter.

You will also see those people who have been using energetic healing, if they are aware and open to the new changes, changing the way they use their energy for their own healing purposes. Everyone receiving energetic healing will also be receiving it in a new and different way. The new and different way will be related to the new and different energy that is coming onto the planet and from the planet. As one wave reaches another, you can see this in what is called the inverse wave theory, but it is not quite the same thing. It is bigger and better and greater than what they are calling the inverse wave. Yet, at the same time, it is something that will be discovered even though it has never been hidden, in this quarter coming up. Keep your hearts and your abilities open to the energy that is shifting and changing even when you are having energy work done so you can recognize what these changes are within yourself as an individual.


Science will be recognizing that even though they would like to make us all be the same, they cannot. They will be recognizing that the vibration of one cell is not necessarily the same in one body as in another body.


We will say in the healing modalities, you will note great changes. We will also say that there are other additions to healing modalities that all of you will be incorporating to your lives as the quarter continues. Remain open to this energy change and you will understand the shift of the physical body.


We have spoken to you of earth changes. We have spoken to you of your government and your economy. We have spoken to you of science. What is it we have missed that you wish information on?


ET Energy

We also will say the ET energy will again be strong. We must point out that you may not see this. If you speak to anyone in South America they mention us on a regular basis. If you speak to people in other countries, they mention us on a regular basis. It seems you in the United States must be living in a no fly zone for us (a little TM humor!). No one ever seems to see us when we are here. We know that this is not really true. What we will say to you is there are great possibilities of light shows in this quarter as well. We will ask everyone on their summer night instead of just watching the fire flies in front of them, to look further up and see if you don’t see us enjoying the summer as well.



We also want to say to all of you in regard to this next quarter coming up, it will be most important to be listening, not to what is being told to you but to what is being communicated to you. If someone stands in front of a volcano and says this is not really happening, do not worry about it, what you are being told, and what is being communicated since they are standing in front of it, are two different things. We are going to ask you to pay attention to your senses. Your senses will tell you who is lying to you and who is not. In defense of the people – we have told you there is nothing wrong with anything – in defense of the people who we are saying are lying to you, they are doing it from their heart center that is saying this is best. We are asking all of you to stay in your heart center and say this is what is best for you. You will see these differences as the time goes on.

Dimensional Shifts

The last thing we would like to cover for you is this new energy that is coming upon your planet. We will say to you what is happening dimension to dimension is there will be a bleeding from one to the other. There will be things from this dimension going into others and things from other dimensions coming into this one. If you lose something, if you have misplaced it, do not be surprised that it is misplaced in a different dimension. If you truly desire it back, you must stand there in the moment, picture where you had it last, and allow it to come back into your dimension. If it does not matter, ask what has come to replace it. You may prefer what has come versus what was taken away.


Open to the understanding that the veils are not only thinner, but the visitation is easier to go from one place to the other. It does not matter whether you are the one doing the traveling or whether it is your dogs, or your friends. What matters is that you recognize it is no longer the structure as you know it. Because of that, you will find more opportunities to manifest in more and different ways than you have before. This is a wonderful thing for all of you to remember. It does not mean that you can only enjoy it in that other dimension, it can also be enjoyed here.



We will leave you now and just simply say, this is a great time for all of you. Do not wait for something to happen but notice what has already happened. Do not wait for people to turn to you and say “you did good”. Instead know that in all things you do, you do them very well. Know that you are now the leaders and no longer need to follow. Know that in leading it is not about being the best but it is about being who you are in any given moment. Understand that within yourselves is the beginning of who you have always been and with that understanding is your connectedness to all things on all levels. This, children, is power. It is a part of all of you. It is your birth right to utilize it in any way you so choose. There is no wrong. There is no right. There simply is. We look forward to speaking with you again in a short time period.. In the interim, we hope you will enjoy yourselves and as we said, you are not in the no fly zone so please look for us for we will be there.