The Many Predictions for 2nd Quarter, 2008

Channeled through Sue Yarmey - March 6, 2008


A Time Of Extremes

This quarter’s predictions involve the planet as well as those upon the planet, the universe as well as those who dwell within the universe. There is a turning point happening in this quarter that many of you will become more aware of. Many of you will still be oblivious to these changes because you are not yet ready to hear and/or understand what is actually happening. It is really a matter of accepting the changes that are coming and opening your hearts to receive the information to make the change itself comfortable for each individual. This will be a time period of extremes. Although you believe you have seen this extreme time period before, there is more ahead in regard to the actions of the people who live upon the planet.


You will see extremism in your politics. You will see it in your environment. You will see it in the actions of the individual people who are living upon the planet. You will become most aware of it from the people, who for no reason that is apparent to those on the outside, are shooting or killing. . . are running their vehicles into or off the roads.. .are committing acts that you consider inappropriate acts against people that you would consider innocent.


All of you have become more sensitive to what is happening around you. All of you have opened to your own intuitive abilities. All of you have become much more focused on using these abilities and having them happen on a regular basis – the person you think of and then they call.


Please recognize the extremes when they are happening. Your pendulum will be swinging in an opposite direction, but it does not mean that people have to be mean. It does not mean that people have to go to extremes but rather, there will be people who do not know what else to do. There will be people who will not have a sense of self, a sense of core, a sense of their own individuality, who will be acting in extreme ways. We will caution you to not become overly sympathetic to these people. We will caution you to not become overly understanding to these people. Rather, look at any given situation and recognize it for what it is – a person responding in the only way they can in the given moment with the cooperation of those around them, even though those around them seem like they are not in cooperation. It could not have happened if they had not agreed at some point in their lives that “this” was what they were choosing to do.



When you see the odd acts of violence, when you see the strange acts of something being done in the name of environmental protection, when you see one country arguing with another country over something that would be considered “nothing”, you will understand that what is taking hold now is fear. The fears that have been within for long periods of time, both through your species, through your government, through your religions and through your various institutions of higher learning, are now coming to the surface in new and different ways.


You all understand what fear is. You all recognize that fear is something that each of you, at one time or another, must be looking in the mirror and recognizing for what it is. Once it is recognized for what it is, then it can dissipate. If it is not recognized, if it is kept hidden, if it is resisted, if you feel the need, for whatever reason, to keep from facing it, seeing it for what it is, it will only get stronger. We say this to you for there will be many times fear will be the forefront of what is happening. If you pay attention to your political things that are happening in the United States right now, you will see that their campaigns are slipping into a place of fear. If you do not pick me, this will happen. If you do not pick me, that will happen. They are fear based. If you wish to choose a candidate who is the correct candidate for the new energy coming in, then choose the candidate who does not preach fear.


Where Did Fear Start?

Understand that fear will be your guiding light to what is going on. When you find yourself in a place of fear, you must stop for a moment and shine light on who started the fear. Where does it originate? Is it from your upbringing?. . .your politicking?. . .your government?. . .your family?. . .your friends? . . .from your where you live? Where did this fear originate? If you will go back to the source of the fear, you will find that the fear has no power over you. You can look at the source and say: “Hmm”. That is all you need to say. It does not need to be discussed, simply recognized for what it is.


Fear will be the key you can use to understand what is happening on your planet in this next quarter. When you look at the fears that will be preached at you and to you, and then you search it back to the source, you will then understand what true power is. Part of this quarter is the recognition of your true power. Part of this quarter is the understanding of how to work with your own power to create, what it is you say you desire to create.


We are saying that as this happens, as you become aware of your power, you will better understand what is going on around you and why it cannot control you unless you choose to allow it to control you.


Earth changes

We will tell you that Gaia is shifting. There are speculations happening in your scientific community that you are ready for a large earthquake, something that, perhaps, is larger than has been measured before. We will say to you that is one of the possibilities for this next quarter. The reason we will offer this to you as a possibility has to do with whether the population we speak of is able to see their fear for what it is, or feel a need to resist it and create something much worse. So it is a possibility that you will see some very large earthquakes hitting your particular country, the United States, in very strong ways along your other seaboard. Once that happens, there will be repercussions to other areas, as well.


Global Warming

The other thing going on with her changes have to do with the controversy that is beginning – is this truly global warming when so many have had a record cold winter? You can name this anything you choose to name this. You can talk about the earth being cyclic if that is what you choose. But what we will tell you is that in her changes, in her shifting of temperatures, she is creating brand new patterns that have not existed before. So those who say it is nothing more than a repeat of something from before are incorrect. Those who say that nothing at all is happening are incorrect. Those who say it is only a slight change are incorrect.


The earth now has, within her power and grasp, the ability to create what she feels most comfortable with based on the reception of the people around her. So if there are areas of the world where she has not been received well, she has the opportunity to go in and change the weather pattern which then changes everything in that particular section of the country. So if these are people who were never appreciative of their long growing season, their growing season will become much shorter. If these are people who are appreciative of their growing season, she may give them even more of it. She will be working on an energetic level section to section. Even though the earth remains whole and complete, neighbor to neighbor will see different weather, just as you can see different weather here in this country state to state.


If you have a storm that, let’s say, travels up your eastern seaboard, there is an expectation that it will travel so many miles, in this way, gathering water and wind along with it and eventually hit the top of your country. That is the normal model, the normal pattern. That may change dramatically. She may only take the storm to a certain level, perhaps the Carolina’s, and then have it go out to sea. Do not expect the patterns and the models that they have used in the past to be anything close to accurate for this new quarter.


You have been seeing weather out of sync for the time period. You will be seeing much more of that. You have been seeing weather not normal for a given area. You will see much more of that. If, however, you wish to grow something, all you need do is communicate with her, and it will grow regardless of your weather.


You are all caught up in the linear of what causes what. We are saying what causes all in this particular instance is Gaia. It is through communication with her things will change.


If you normally have an early summer, it will be late. If you normally have a late summer, it will be early. Note that all things will be shifting. Even if all things appear to be the same, there will be something that will come along that will change the pattern. No pattern will remain the same in this quarter.


The jet stream will be changing because it is her breath. It will be interesting for the birds. The animals will be easily affected by this. In some cases, they will have a difficult time adjusting. So those areas that have often see migratory birds may not see them this particular season. They will be traveling, perhaps, to other areas because all of these patterns are changing.



We will say that all of the elements will be, again, exceptionally active and not be doing what is “normal” for that particular element. So if it is normal to have a tornado season, you will find that the season will be changed – longer or shorter, done in different ways or through a different area. If it is about volcanoes that of course exist within your earth that have been dormant for long periods of time, do not expect them to remain dormant. If they have been active for long periods of time, such as the one in Hawaii, it can either become more active which the one in Hawaii has been doing or, perhaps, slow down. Again, the easiest way to be looking at the changes upon your planet are to look at them with the eyes open to the moment and not to the patterns.


Government and Politics.

There is talk of changes in your government in the United States as well as in various other parts of the world. These changes, we will say in some cases, will be to take control and in other cases to recognize that control can be taken.


The power of the individual will be made known in this particular quarter. There are more and more people now getting their passports. There are more and more people getting what is being referred to as legal identification. There are more and more people in their place of fear thinking if they do not get it now, they will be unable to get it, and therefore, unable to travel when the time comes.


We will say to all of you to stand in your power and not worry about the power government has over you for it is only what you grant them. You will see this in the election issues that are happening within your country. You will see this also within the countries of India, Canada, Mexico and Europe. We realize this is a broad section of your planet. The only reason we give you those countries is because that news will have the ability to come to you.


There will be governmental issues happening in other places that will not make it to traditional news. The communication from continent to continent, across the great oceans, will be, we will say, hampered. There will be times when it will be difficult to communicate one with the other no matter what vehicle they choose to use. Part of this will be caused by what you know as sun spots. Part of this will be caused by great ocean activity that will be creating havoc with cables and electronic information within your oceans. Part of this will be presumed to be sabotage. This will be fear. You must stay away from the fear and recognize that if you need to communicate, you can communicate.


You will find the governments will be unsteady because the people will be demanding more information than the government can offer. Through this, if they are being guided appropriately, there will be some honesty coming out of various governments that have never been there before. The honesty will give people an opportunity to defuse the anger. If the honesty is not given over to the people, the anger will continue to build. When anger builds, fear takes over. When fear takes over, there can be a great deal of chaos and confusion. You are seeing that now in South America.


If the governments choose to listen to our advice, they will learn to be more honest with the people that they chose to govern. If they choose not to be honest with the people they have chosen to govern, they will discover that these people will no longer tolerate what was being tolerated previous to this quarter.


There can be breakouts of what you would call war in various places. Yet, at the same time, the potential for diplomacy is greater than it has ever been. There are many people out there now who are choosing to speak truth. It is not a single truth, but rather an observation of truth in the moment that makes all the difference in how things develop. It also makes a difference in how people respond to what is developing.


If you turn to someone and say, we would love to give you X but cannot because of this and this, and it is obvious. The person will recognize the obviousness of the issue and then work with you toward a particular goal. If you choose instead to say, we cannot give you this, and whine about the why, the people will not respond to the whining.


US Primaries

Look to see things within your own country continually in ups and downs. As things continue in what you call your primaries, you will not see a clear winner. The people are still deciding what it is they are looking for. On one hand, you have the feminine. You need the feminine to be heard. The feminine does not have to come through a female but it is often perceived in that particular way. On the other hand, you have the energy of the person who has been many things to many people. He recognizes the truth of the moment better than many. You then also have the candidate who has been confirmed who is more conservative than those who have come before him. Everything in this particular election will be around balance. When you recognize that the balance is done without fear, then you will be able to make your choices more intelligently. Then you can speak to others of this as well. Once the information is put out there, things begin to change. The government in other countries will see the same issues happening with them as is happening within your country, the United States. When their people are asking for results, they cannot respond by whining. They must respond with the truth of the moment and then the people can accept what is happening around them.


The government cannot become more responsible to their people until the people become more responsible to themselves. This quarter is when people are beginning to become more responsible to themselves and by the process that we speak, the government then also must become more responsible.


Finance and The Economy

Finance is something that is within your three dimensional world that has nothing to do with the energetic world except where the overlap of creation occurs. You often think in three dimensional ways that it is about money not finance.. .it is about things, not energy. . . it is about having not manifesting. There are big differences between these things. We will say to you that you will start becoming more and more aware of the lack of power that finances have given people in the past. It will no longer seem that they can rule as readily as they have.


We go back to the issue when we were speaking of the people becoming more responsible for their action and in turn holding their governments and financial institutions more responsible for their actions. There will be some explosive news coming from some financial institutions that money had been used in inappropriate ways. When this news hits, people will find it necessary to pull out their financial support to certain places because they will feel they have been betrayed. When this happens you will see a shift in the financial market.



There is already a shift happening between the rest of the world and the United States for the first time in history where the United States is not coming out looking as good as it has in the past. This could be remedied should the people choose to rally in an energetic format around what it truly means to be financially secure. But, unfortunately, because you all learn the way you learn, greed may be the catch phrase for the next quarter.


In seeing greed, there will be changes made in the financial structures. Since greed has to come out, then it will also be seen for what it is. What will be happening as this greed increases itself, is that people will become more and more aware of what is going on around them and how those who are suffering are made to suffer by those who choose to be greedy.


When we speak of working with self, we do not mean selfishness. We do not mean that others around you should suffer so that you can be happy. Greed is something that must be understood on a different level before it can be shifted and changed. Many of the rich people of your country are recognizing the concept of giving back to others. Those who do it quietly, obviously, are the ones who understand this concept best. Those who do it for the publicity are obviously the ones who understand this concept least.


You will see more and more of those who have been greedy trying to win over the opinion of others. It will be a “too little too late” scenario. Keep your eyes open to the financial institutions; those who have felt a need to take from the general public without concern for their actions are the ones who will suffer the most in this quarter. You will see your stock market plummet. It will rally and then plummet again. It will be an interesting time. Too many people will be looking toward power outside of themselves instead of within themselves to get their answers about what to do with their finances.



The easiest way to invest in this particular quarter is to invest with heart information, to invest with companies who believe in alternative energies, to invest in companies who believe in helping people, to invest in companies who recognize it is not the greed that keeps things going. If your boards of directors insist on having a certain percentage of profit, then it is not a company that thinks with their hearts.


The oil companies will be open to some disastrous information in this new quarter coming up for their greed has gotten out of control. All of these things you will see the beginnings of or perhaps even the culmination of in your third quarter.


Science, Medicine and Health

There will be a connection made in this particular quarter between the functioning of the mental with the functioning of the physical. In a way it will be a much more sophisticated concept of your biofeedback from your 1960's. There will be an understanding within the medical field of how to treat the whole body in new and different ways.


There will be difficulty getting some of this news out for the pharmaceutical companies will be losing should this information become too well known too soon. What matters at this point in time is that each individual will be becoming more and more aware of their individual power and their control over their physicalities. This control is not about keeping it one way or another. Rather, it is about communicating in new and different ways.


As you learn to communicate with your physicality, what happens is the need to cut into the body, the need to have a pharmaceutical come into your system to alter one thing while affecting another, will no longer be necessary. You will discover how things can change simply through the concentration of your energetic self to somewhere else.


This has nothing to do with what you call your energetic healing. It is an interesting combination of science and energy coming to the forefront to show people how powerful they are in working with their own physicalities. One of the reasons this is coming forward is because the bodies are changing at such remarkable rates and there is no understanding as to why.


Medicine will be caught in a position of being unable to diagnose much of what is happening. The lack of being able to diagnose is because they have a standard, a plan that is no longer being adhered to. The plan says that the body is shaped like this, act likes this and does like this. They have not yet recognized how that does not have to be true.


The rules of science have always kept you separate from your body -- your body being one thing, your mind and spirituality being another. That will be a thing of the past. In this next quarter you will find more and more people speaking on the abilities you will have as individuals, to be working with these changes that are going on in your body that are not at this point in time going to be able to be diagnosed by your medical community. This will be a ground breaking time period for some information. Some of it will be reached and understood to the public through what you call your underground internet. Once enough people are aware, there will be more confirmations about it.


Religion and Spirituality

When you speak of religion and spirituality, you speak of those who come who are around you, who are supportive of you on a regular basis. You speak of the energy that comes in and supports you, allows you to open in a new capacity when working with it, with us, in ways that you have not worked with us before. We will say in this quarter coming up, that God will no longer be a stranger, that Goddess will no longer be a word people do not use, that the concept of the One will not be something that people brush aside. There will be great curiosity and need for definition of what this all means. But the very definition will negate the search. If people are not cautious, and give their power to another – there leader, guru, first and only person who gives them information back – it can be a time period of a great deal of charlatans with the answers that say by doing this you get this, by following this particular way thinking or being, you will have all of this.


We are saying, instead, when you are opening your hearts, you will be involved in the new spirituality. There is no singular leader for this information. There is neither right nor wrong for this particular change in the atmosphere of religion and spirituality in the 3-D world. Rather, there is a group coming to the planet that you can feel now around you, who will be assisting those in being in touch with their heart centers, in touch with their higher senses, in touch with their higher selves and where they choose to go and the path they choose to walk upon. As this group works with each individual on the planet, for each person who opens, the light grows stronger. Then each person can use that light of the new opened source.


Recognize that spirituality will be a new and different word in this new quarter coming in. People will be using it who have never used the phrase before – some truly understanding the word, others having no idea what the word truly means.


We will say for this new quarter, look for people who are looking for what they say are their heart’s desires. What each of you can recognize and understand within yourself is that if your heart leads you, it is a lovely direction to be going in. If you mind comes in and questions the heart, you will find that the detours that you make cannot keep you from the path, but will make the path less fun.


Spirituality in this new quarter coming in will actually be revamping religion. People will be looking for something to soothe and understand and the one thing they will all understand is that there is no one person who is correct except self. That understanding will lead to a new kind of spirituality that you have not seen in a very long time.


ET Activity

There has been great information offered about the happenings in the sky, the lights that have been seen in the place you call Texas. The question has been, is this communication? The answer is ‘yes’. Does this come from E.T.’s? The answer is ‘yes’. Is this information for those living here or others of the same? The answer is ‘yes’.


Understand that there are living among you those who are not of you and have been with you for a long time. Understand also that there is information that comes through you, through the individuals that is perhaps seeded by one of the ET’s who are here doing their job.


The information that will be coming in through the ET source, will be varied depending upon what part of the country you are living in. You will find the activity will be happening in areas that perhaps are most closed to it.


We no longer hide as we did before. There is not as great a fear to the concept of ET energy as there has been in the past. This new acceptance has lead us to understand that there is more we can do to assist than we have done in the past. You will see, throughout the world, various activities that we will call testing, to see what can be done that will not panic. . . what can be shown that will not produce fear. . . what can be observed without danger on any level whatsoever. That is one of the things we are currently working with – to send this energy of communication to those who are able to perceive of the concepts that we have to offer.


It is not done without your will. It is not a type of hypnosis that is saying go out and do this thing. Rather, it is a type of communication, in doing this thing, this is the result. There will always be choice. There always is choice.


There will be different kinds of communication now that have not been there before. One of the areas that you will become more aware of will be the concept of sound. The sounds that will be coming both from the planet and from the sky will be different than you have heard before.


It would be nice to call it the wind. It is not. It would be nice to call it an animal’s call. It is not. For those who are observant, they will recognize this as the fact that it is. Understand in this experimentation to keep people from a place of fear or panic, there will be many things that will be tried. We ask only that when you are aware of the energy that comes in from outside the dimension you are used to, to stand with your heart open and ask yourself: “What is it I can gain from this information? “Is this safe for me?” Then listen to the answers you receive as an individual with power.


Communication and Vibrational Changes

We briefly mentioned communication when we were speaking of government. We will tell you communication will not be what it used to be. There will be difficulty getting the point across.


The pattern says that if we send this out at this frequency it gets to this point. That will not be true. There will be interference in ways like there has never been interference before. Part of it will be through sun spots. Part of it will be in general ways that no one will understand. It does not need to be understood to be recognized for what it is.


If something is not happening, to stand there and say ‘that is not possible’ is most amusing. Rather, you can look at it and say ‘hmm, that is not happening’ and then move on. There will be communication issues for the entire third quarter in various ways.


You will see more satellite information coming to the forefront of the news because satellites are not functioning as they are expected to function in outer space at this time. You will see some interesting things happening within your space station. Again, there will be communication glitches that will not be understood. If so much energy and resources are spent on trying to fix something that is not broken, it will be a lot of wasted energy.


When you cannot communicate, we suggest you go to the tried and true, which is mind to mind, energy to energy, understanding to understanding. That will always be available. Learning to trust and understand is another thing.


The vibrations that are coming to your planet are different. They are coming in a wave and then crashing against an equal power. This will continue for this quarter – these two opposing waves of energy, one coming in one direction, one coming in another. There are times they will be able to dance well together and other times when one will feel the need to bully the other.


This will be seen in your ability to accept your fears and angers or resist your fears and angers. If you, again, will pay attention to that topic, you will understand the energy coming here and what particular wave is affecting you the most in the moment. Understand you will always have both to work with. It is your choice which you will call upon to create or not create with.


As these two waves work with each other through the next quarter of your year 2008, you will find a lot of changes happening in the electronics field. New information will come to the surface of how these things vibrate. They will be different than what you have seen in the past in your electronic industry. In that regard, science will be understanding communications differently in this quarter and looking at new and different things that they must name. They are nothing more than energy. Your scientists need to call everything by something.


We will also say, when you speak of vibration, you also are talking about dimension. One dimension vibrates differently than another. As your vibration changes, you will find yourself in greater communication with other dimensional beings. You will see differently, hear differently, and feel differently. The energy is moving at such a pace that you are bumping into each other more often then you ever have before.



Let us say this to all who choose to hear what we have to say. If you have always worn blue, wear red. If you have always walked slowly, walk fast. If you have always felt a need to sit down, stand up. Look at the pattern and recognize the pattern needs to change. If you change it, it will be easy. If you choose to say, ‘but I wish to sit down’ then it will be more difficult.


Look at all the things around you that you have established. It is one of the reasons so many people are moving, for they are changing their patterns. Yet, at the same time, if they are not careful, they wind up in the same pattern where they started. Recognize the whole concept of movement is movement, not to go back to where you began. Pay attention to your heart centers and your desires. Pay attention to what it is that speaks to you on various levels. Honor that within you that is truly you, not belonging to another. See your patterns and how you can alter them to speak to you. In that altering, you will discover what you truly say you desire.


If, however, you wish to stay in the patterns you have created, wish to continue to do what you have always done, you will find yourself in some physical distress. Keep that in mind when your body starts to act oddly. Stop for a moment and ask: “Is there something I need to change in my pattern that will allow this stuckness of energy to flow through me and have things work better for me?”


When you are eliminating through your physicality know that these are energies that no longer serve you. When you are changing your body shape, know that this is energy you are taking on, transforming and then releasing. It is why your body shape will change on a daily or even hourly basis. When you are bringing in energy that is new to your form, do not be surprised that things that you always loved, do not taste the same to you. Do not become concerned with what you are eating or drinking or doing at any given moment, and allow yourself to receive what your body is asking for in that moment.


All of these things are happening in this new quarter that is coming to you. All of them are opportunities for each and every one of you to be ascending to a new vibrational level. At that vibrational level, you become in more contact and communication with other energies about you that can assist you going to the level after this one.

We remind you that as your patterns change, your physicality will be reflecting those patterns, in the way your clothes fit, the way your body feels, the way you eat and the way you eliminate. The way you sleep will be part of this as well. Do not make yourself insane over any of these things. When you are in the midst of it, take in a breath and ask what it is you are to learn from this and move forward.