Sue Yarmey Channels The Many
2nd Quarter 2007 Predictions


We are here.

There is a different interpretation when you are in the room hearing our words, versus when you are simply reading them. The people who need the energy from the written word are different than the people who need the energy from the spoken word. You will become more aware of those differences at a later date.

You are asking us to speak of a time that is not yet firm in the, we will say cosmos, of your world. We will give you guidelines, we will give you outlines, we will offer to you suggestions of direction with the understanding that even in a three month period, the direction can shift. It is not a sidestep that you have accused us of on occasion, but rather it is a cautionary tale to keep you from creating something – a, what Sue says, a self fulfilling prophesy. We do not wish to create that. Rather, we wish, as we have always wished, to recognize that we are always available for guidance. We are available to take you from the level that you are currently living to the next level that you choose to live. In this guidance, there is information we can offer you that will assist. We will say, we have always said to you, that it is your choice. Your choice in what you choose to develop on the planet you chose to live upon.

 Knowing Yourself and Others

Here is what will be happening in the next(second) quarter of your year 2007:

There will be an amplification of the energy within to reveal – we have told you in the past, nothing can stay hidden – now, with the energy changes that are happening, what you will be seeing is more of what the person truly is. If the person is a kind person, you will see more kindness. If the person has worked very hard to keep within, their negative or their beast side, you may see more of that, as well. When the energy comes through – it will depend completely on your reaction to this energy whether you let the beast out or whether you allow yourself to remain kind. This will reflect in many areas such as in war, and in anger, and in crime, and in the personality of people that you thought you knew. This will reflect in many ways in your educational situations. You will see some schools having greater difficulties than they have had in the past because children who have been forced to suppress their natural feelings will have no choice but to release these feelings.

We will say now, for the understanding of those people that you care for, when your temper is at a place of flare, to catch yourself in that moment, give yourself permission to release it. Give yourself permission to release it in a healthy way and not an unhealthy way. You still have power. You remain a very powerful being. To say you have ‘lost control’ is not completely correct. You do not lose control. You do those things you choose to do. So if someone loses their temper, if someone acts in a way they then apologize for later, you must ask yourself did they mean what they did. It came from within. It is not some strange being that has taken them over. It does not mean that that is who they truly are. It does mean that it is a part of self that they have repressed perhaps for a long time.

When you see these things happening in your workplace, when you see these things happening in your families, when you see these things happening within your circle of friends, it will be important for everyone to take a step back to observe what has happened, not in a judgmental way, but in a way that recognizes that this indeed is a part of this person. The questions you then have to ask – is it a larger part than you realized before? If, indeed, it is a larger part, do you wish to continue to live with it? You will find it needs to be incorporated into the current energy of the person. If it is not incorporated, you will see more disease happening.

Then this is good. You asked about the appearance of UFO’s over your state of Maine. We were not vacationing, even though you call it vacationland. (TM humor)


There is energy coming to your planet again, from outside sources, to observe what is happening. We use the word again, because it is not new, it is not different, it is not a surprise. It simply is what it is. There is no need for fear. There is no need for conjecture, there is no need for anyone to determine right/wrong, good/bad, black/white. Yet, there seems to be a need for people to deny.

Just as you will not be able to deny when the energy comes through the inner workings of the who that you are – happy, sad, angry or whatever – the energy the comes from outside your planet will no longer to be able to be denied. There will be more.

We will say that as you continue your ascension within your physical bodies, you are changing many predictions that have been placed out there. People want to come and see the feat as it takes place. That is all we will say on that subject at this time. There will be more to say later.

Invitation to Open To Channel

With the many energy changes in this quarter, we invite all who are interested to open to this new energy and think about, consider, play with the idea of channeling. We will not frighten you. You can chat with us before bed or at some quiet moments. See if you can get a – the word we will use is sense – of our energy signature so that you are not confused by other energy that can be around. Start, first, in your own heart center, to get a sense of our energy signature and allow yourself to gradually work with the things we have to say. We understand that it will not happen overnight for some of you. We do not require that you allow us to speak through you in a physical way. Many of you have asked that this type of communication start happening. Keep in mind, however, there still is parameters that we utilize before assisting in this particular way.

There are many ways for you to channel. You could channel through your hands if that was more comfortable. This means you could do it through words or design or art or cooking it is your choice. You could channel through your voice, if that is your choice. You could channel through your dreams if that is your choice. We will simply say to you that the way that will work best for you is the way that will work best for us. We are agreeable to whatever you should choose. If you will open your heart center to the concept – not in what Sue does but rather in the concept of communication with our energetic selves, you will lead yourself to your place of comfort and communication and work with us, perhaps, differently than what Sue does, but no less strongly.

 GAIA and Sensitivities

She has been moving and shifting. Not a lot of information has gone out to the public about the many things happening in the many places. You call yourself one world and yet you keep yourself isolated, one area to the other. We will say that this will not be a possibility for much longer. As the events of your Month of March unfold, we will say that there will be events that could move into April as well. They will be earth events. They will be chain reactions to energy that is both within and without of your planet. We will discuss the inner vibrational tone of your planet, Gaia. We will say that we have seen this vibrational tone shift. You have been aware of this shifting. The shifting has created issues on the surface of your planet. This vibrational tone is something that you will become more sensitive to. Equipment that hums, all of your electronic devises, emit a hum or sound and even though you may not be consciously aware of its emissions, you will become physically aware of the emission.

Your vibrational tone is changing with the tone of the planet. This requires each person to allow the vibration to shift and move their vibration without resistance. Resistance to the new vibration will create blockage, will create turmoil within the physicality of the individual. Rather, if you can change your vibration to meet and match and flow with the vibration of the planet, you will find that you will become sensitive also to the emissions of your electronics around your planet. It may be difficult for some people to be in heavily populated areas with much electrical buzz happening. There are references into and about the Taos hum. The Lubek hum. Other areas upon your planet where people have heard in the past this vibrational shift. You may be hearing of it in more places, in your April, May and June time periods.

People will become more aware of their sensitivities around that electrical hum of various things. It will require from all of you an understanding of your own physical bodies so that when there is a blockage, you can open to the energy wave and ride that wave through the blockage. This is also the time period where your medical researchers, your medical practitioners and many of your alternative practitioners will be using sound in the healing process. It is the need to work with the vibration that is changing upon your planet. Not all people will become aware of the sound that will be emitted. For those who are aware, we will say to go with the sound. Allow it to come through instead of blocking or making you crazy.

This sound, vibration will seem to come from your electronic devises. The sound coming from the planet enters each person through their feet, whether they are upon the surface or not. You are individually connected to the vibration of the planet. When the vibration comes up through your feet, and then the electronic devises around you vibrate differently than what is coming through your feet – there can be discord in the physicality itself. It is why the medicine will be looking at sound vibration. They will not always relate it to the electrical vibration because they do not consider it ‘sound’. We will say, a vibration is sound and light and color and the designation of your need to classify does not matter. It simply is what it is.

Using Sound

We are saying that the sound – not just sound, but the electrical devises around you – are affecting YOU. That it is, in some cases, going against the vibrational tone of the planet. It is that lack of parallel working that creates the discord within the physicality.

That will be part of what you will be seeing. The inroads will be about using sound as your medicine. Using something that appears on the surface to be unable to harm. We will say this it NOT TRUE. To arbitrarily use sound, it is not necessarily a positive effect. Your government, and the governments of other countries have tested the concept of sound through your waters and have destroyed and created problems to the beasts in the water. Sound can cure. It can also kill.

We will say to everyone, as this is a wonderful move in your medical field, there will be others who will want the power that comes with the understanding. The various governments across your planet have been working with this for some time and do not want the positive benefits to get out. They would lose some of their control if this were to happen.

We will also say, as you have been told before that as nothing can stay hidden, much of this research that has been under lock and key will find its way to the public. There is more power coming to the individual so that the individual will need to be inside and make choices about what is going on around them.

Reclaiming Power

Individuals have given their power away and the second quarter of your 2007 is about the reclaiming of this power. The organization you have been working on, what you call InnerEvolution, is being birthed in this time of vibration. Even the symbol you have used of the spiral around something, it is around, in essence, two pieces, because each of these things vibrate to its own energy, will produce a sound. (Check out the InnerEvolution Logo at Perhaps, by the end of this quarter, you will have a sense as to what sound your representation is making.

Listen To The Vibrations and Learn

So the earth changes that are coming perhaps in a domino effect around your Pacific rim, will also create shifts and moves along your Atlantic ridge. There will be a shift of the actual physical skin of the planet. Not as some have thought, from pole to pole, but rather from height to depth, and depth to height. So you may see new land forms. You may see land forms disappearing. It is not tragic in the sense that you may think when you read these words or when you hear them spoken by us. Rather, it is information that can alert you to the change of the very vibration beneath your feet and reconnect you to your tribe of Gaia. Expect changes upon your planet. Expect the vibration that you receive to give you information on what this means.

You have, as a science, studied animals in regard to the earthquakes. What is it you think they are aware of? It is the sound, the vibration that they pick up on. All of you who are willing to open, open their own expectation of abilities, will also become aware through sound of earth changes. We will say, listen. That will give you information about the changes coming in the earth’s crust. There will also be changes within the earth herself. She is reforming herself into something that is different than what has been. She will be working on reconnecting areas that have been ripped apart so that information can once again travel from pole to pole, side to side, place to place. Where there have been digging upon the earth to gain the metals, or the coal, you will find these areas will go through a physical change so that a re-connection can be made around the planet. In those areas where there have been massive changes upon the earth that were not created by Gaia, you will see massive changes again, created by Gaia. Anything you have filled in, you may wish to look at again for it may become what it once was. These are the changes you can expect in your second quarter upon your earth.


This leads us to the place that you were asking in regards to who. We will speak now of governments. We make this plural. It is not just the country in which you are living, but rather the governments of the countries upon your planet. There will be situations, this trip, this time period, there will be situations that will force the concept of cooperative work. You are not a species who cooperates one with the other but rather competes one with the other except under certain circumstances. There will be a need for cooperative work from various governments within the time period you have asked us about. This cooperative work has to do with assisting in the rebuilding and changing of certain areas that have been affected by the earth’s movements. There is no reason to become overly concerned about what this truly means.

Rather, we will say, to keep your hearing tuned to the vibrational changes. As they take place, you will receive on this channel frequency, we shall call it, your knowledge of what is to come. Your governments are not listening to these vibrational frequencies. Your governments are listening to the vibrational frequencies of the economic forecast. They are doing it from a position of greed. They are not doing it from a position of need. The lesson to be learned in this quarter by the multiple governments across your planet has to do with need. Greed will be something that will be put under the microscope. Greed will be something that the average person will be calling to task those who are claiming to do one thing and still working from that place of greed.

The hearing of those upon the planet are changing with the frequency of the planet. They are now hearing what is not necessarily being said with words, but they are hearing what is actually being said. The governments upon your planet will find a need to work cooperatively in this particular quarter of your year. In their cooperation, they will be learning more about each other. In that more learning, the people of the various nations will learn more as well. There will be a need to understand that as we work with you towards a center understanding, there will be extreme thinking in many things. This need not concern anyone as long as you are remaining within your heart’s center about what is right and just for you and you alone. To stay out of judgment. To stay out of those areas that would determine right or wrong or good or bad. Your governments will be learning that particular lesson in these three months.


Your science will be very thrilled by the changes coming. Their thrill is to discover things that they never thought they would in their lifetimes discover. The vibrational healing is a piece of this. There are other pieces as well. Your science is opening now to this vibrational tone without conscious knowledge. They are being led in new and different directions. The concept of the psychicness, intuitiveness, the talking to the dead, all of those areas, will come to be looked at under a microscope because many people will be doing it, feeling it, acting it and being it. Science will now be able to look at these things differently than they have in the past. Information will be disseminated among the many people so that they will be able to determine – again, through this new ability to hear – who are your fake people and who are your real people. It will be an enlightened time for science in their own minds because they are still quite far behind what is yet to come.

Science will show you things about healing. You will hear strides being made about certain diseases. Some of them will still be connected with the concept of putting poison into your body. That, also, may be heard in a whole new light. Allow yourself to become aware of what science is offering. Allow yourself to read the path less followed by those people who are just a little different. We will go past science now and we will say to you we wish to speak of the energy that each individual will be working with.

Re-Examine Actions/Feelings

This energy, as was briefly stated, is energy that will go into the center of your being and show who you truly are. For those who have suppressed pieces of themselves, this energy will create havoc. For those who have suppressed pieces of themselves, the havoc will be based on denial of how you feel, that feeling is allowed. What it is you are feeling in any given moment that has built up within the individual and now must be released. The advise we will offer, is when you are in the given moment, make sure you express the given feeling. The concept of hurting someone’s feelings, of saying the wrong thing, acting out of place, needs to be re-examined upon your planet. The emotion behind the action needs to be re-examined upon your planet. It makes us recognize that in working with you, you are structured beings and this new energy is going to change your structure.

The new energy is coming into your physical beings and it is changing your structure. You can see it as a shift in your DNA for that will be a small part. You can see it as a shift within the structure of your very lives for that will be a piece of it. You can see it as a shift in the structure of things like your money market, stock market. You can see it as a shift in things like your corporations. It is the sense that structure will no longer be the structure it was before. That can no longer hold with the new energy. It is the crystal glass and the high note coming together. The crystal glass does not have a chance with the high note unless it chooses to change its very formula to work with the high note.

This energy change is coming, this vibrational, this sound, whatever you wish to call it, is coming from the center of your planet. As it enters into each and every being, as it connects to each and every thing, it changes the very structure of you as well as your planet. We will say to you, if you are people who are worried about the financial, it is a good time to remove your money from the stock market (channeled on 2/26/07). We will say to you if you are people who worry about your physical health, it is a good time to look at preventive care. We will say that if you are somebody who is hoarding within themselves a great deal of anger, it is time to release this anger in a healthy way before it is released in a way that you feel you cannot control. There will be changes, modifications in the behavior of the individuals because of this energy coming onto the planet. The changes, the modifications coming with this energy, relate to behavior patterns within the individual. The behavior patterns will have to do with group as well as individual work. You will see a change in your corporations, in the structure. You will see a change in your family, in the structure. You will see a change in your groups, in the structure. And so on. This energy is coming because the planet is ready to open herself to change. And so is the individual physicality.

What you will see, and many will see, is that the more you try to control, the more you try to say this is right, this is the way, this is what must happen, the less you will receive that very thing you are asking for. The more you put into the energy to remain open to receive from the universe, the easiest, the best, the most vibrational alignment with what is happening, and allow that alignment to come into place, the more you will see things falling into place for you. You have a tendency to want to control every little thing that you do in regard to the structure in which you work. We will say this control cannot work in those three months we speak of. If you insist on keeping that control, you will find yourself in physical distress.

Rather than thinking you must control, ask yourself what it is you are able to open to, to assist you in the flow of the vibration. You will find that will be much easier than taking the typical attitude of fixing or making happen.

ET Energy

We will put in as a side note here, the presence of outside energy – energy outside of your universal scope, what you might call ET energy or dimensional energy – will also make itself known in this time period you are asking about. You may see it through other people. You may see it through what you are seeing now in your skies. You may see it through things that are impossible, or what your science would call impossible – happening in places where it cannot happen. That is what we mean about not being caught in the structure.

The structure dictates what can and cannot happen. The vibration simply allows things to be. Manifestation will be about allowing things to become. The original seed of manifestation comes from the emotional understanding of fulfillment. When you are understanding of your emotional self – which is why so many people will need these months of clearing as this energy comes through – when you are focused on the emotional fulfillment and not the emotional worry, this, of course, reflects upon you and your planning. When you are focused on that positive place, the flow of the energy will take you to that positive place. When you are focused on that negative place, the flow of the energy will assist you in that as well. That includes what you may be seeing in your skies, what may be reported from your earth. Archeological findings will be happening in this quarter as well that will help defy what you say is fact. Expect things to be unexpected in this time period. You will have a good three months.